People recommended by Michelle Williams

Michelle Williams' 3 Favorite Authors

Michelle Williams

Michelle Williams loves to dive deeply into the literary world, so she shared 3 of her favorite writers that always keep her interested in their works.
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People from Michelle Williams

Galway Kinnell

A copy of my favorite book of poems by Galway Kinnell. There's a line in one of his poems, "Being forever in the pre-trembling of a house that falls." It's about the atmosphere that you live in when you're a child of divorce. The poem is called "Little Sleep's-Head Sprouting Hair in the Moonlight." Go find it. All my prep work is in there.
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People from Michelle Williams

Haruki Murakami

Williams’s current favorite authors include Mary Gaitskill, and Haruki Murakami.
People from Michelle Williams

Mary Gaitskill

Williams’s current favorite authors include Mary Gaitskill, and Haruki Murakami.