Movies recommended by Macaulay Culkin

Macaulay Culkin's Favorite Movies: Part 2

Macaulay Culkin

5 movies recommended by Macaulay Culkin.
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Movies from Macaulay Culkin

Josie and the Pussycats

“This even pre-dates my love of the movie Josie and the Pussycats. She was just very crushable. And she literally crushed her own house with a frying pan.”
Movies from Macaulay Culkin

Big Trouble in Little China

“She had beautiful green eyes, like creamy jade.” (If you don’t know that quote, Mack highly suggest you watch the movie).
Movies from Macaulay Culkin

The Avengers

“Because they finally made my nerdy comic book dreams come to life. I’ve seen the OG movie and Infinity War so many times.”
Movies from Macaulay Culkin


“Aladdin is probably my favorite classic animated Disney movie (not including Pixar). But I always felt bad for that very first vendor he steals the bread from. I want to know that guys story.”
Movies from Macaulay Culkin

Inside Out

“I saw it for the first time last week and then watched it again. The scene where they have to leave Bing Bong made me cry … twice.”