People recommended by Lili Reinhart

Lili Reinhart Named 5 of Her Role Models

Lili Reinhart

These are the most iconic ladies according to Lili Reinhart.
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People from Lili Reinhart

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn is an inspiration to me in the sense that she was a curvy girl and she had boobs and she didn't have a 24-inch waist. To me that's really inspiring and makes me feel like my body can be accepted.
People from Lili Reinhart

Ashley Graham

Obsessed with her. Honestly, I’ve never been so inspired by a celebrity or by someone that I didn’t know. She’s so confident and so stunning and her way of body acceptance and talking about her body and women’s bodies in general is so inspiring to me, and I’ve honestly never been inspired by someone as much as her as an adult.
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People from Lili Reinhart

Lady Gaga

I met Lady Gaga yesterday and honestly got tongue tied. It was an incredible moment.
People from Lili Reinhart


Ya know.... sometimes I just have to remind myself that I’m lucky enough to be alive at the same time as Rihanna... and then I feel better.
People from Lili Reinhart

Charli Howard

Charli Howard being my favorite role model.