Movies recommended by Jon Bernthal

TOP 5 Jon Bernthal's Favorite Movies

Jon Bernthal

Here is a list of Jon Bernthal's favorite movies. Enjoy!
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Movies from Jon Bernthal

D.C. Cab

Lastly, I gotta throw it in there, I gotta say D.C. Cab. [laughs] I know that probably no one else says that, but I’m born and raised DC. I’m DC through and through. It will always be in my heart.
Movies from Jon Bernthal

A Prophet

Then A Prophet. I love that movie. I think one of the greatest things about films is when they can take you to a very certain time and a very certain place. It’s time travel, its magic.
Movies from Jon Bernthal

True Romance

Then, next I would say, would have to be True Romance. Again, I just cannot say enough good about that movie. It’s a movie I can just watch over and over and over and over again.
Movies from Jon Bernthal

The Silence of the Lambs

Second I would say came out roughly around the same time but probably, The Silence of the Lambs. I just loved that movie.
Movies from Jon Bernthal


I think it really, really just shines brightest in that film, and that’s why it’s my favorite film.