Movies recommended by Григорий Артемьев


24 Jun 2024
Movies from Григорий Артемьев

Одинокая женщина желает познакомиться

Когда 43-летняя Клавдия поняла, что ждать принца уже поздно, она расклеила по городу объявления: «Одинокая женщина желает познакомиться...» Но на ее призыв откликается не принц, а малосимпатичный тип — бывший цирковой артист, выпавший...
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Movies from Григорий Артемьев

Дамы приглашают кавалеров

Трогательная лирическая комедия снята по мотивам рассказа Льва Славина «Кафе «Канава». Любимый муж, дети, тихое семейное счастье — об этом мечтает героиня фильма. Она просто создана для такой жизни — однако ей почему-то не везёт. Нет, она...
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Movies from Григорий Артемьев


The newlyweds return to Moscow after a wonderful sea cruise on the Black Sea. It seems that they will have a happy life ahead, their beloved job, but chance rudely cuts off all dreams: Viktor doesn't have time to slow down and knocks down...
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Movies from Григорий Артемьев


Действие происходит в СССР в 1970-х годах. Фильм решён в камерном стиле, и почти всё действие разворачивается в одном помещении.
Movies from Григорий Артемьев


Очерк был напечатан накануне празднования двадцатилетия Победы в Великой Отечественной войне, сопровождался публикацией фотографии неизвестного солдата и имел широкий отклик среди читателей.
Movies from Григорий Артемьев


В дождливый день в квартире под магнитофонную запись танцуют и разговаривают три пары. Одинокий молодой человек сидит с книгой и размышляет вслух. Вдруг музыка заканчивается, и слышится записанный на плёнку диалог мужчины и женщины....
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Movies from Григорий Артемьев


Georgian bush pilot Valentin (Valiko) Mizandari a.k.a. Mimino works at small local airlines, flying helicopters between small villages. But he dreams of piloting large international airlines aircrafts, so he goes to Moscow for refresher...
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Movies from Григорий Артемьев

До свидания, мальчики!

Goodbye, Boys! is the coming-of-age tale of three teenagers graduating from a Communist school during World War II. It's summer, and their main goals are swimming in the Black Sea and wooing the girl all three of them love. However, they...
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Movies from Григорий Артемьев

Частная жизнь

Mikhail Ulyanov is the Bergmanesque protagonist of the Russian Private Life. A government-appointed factory executive, Ulyanov is reduced to quivering confusion when he is dismissed. Recovering from this blow, he decides to review and...
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Movies from Григорий Артемьев

Ребро Адама

The film is based on the story of Anatoly Kurchatkin "House of Women". A tragicomedy about four women of three generations who lives in a tiny Moscow apartment: a sick grandmother, constantly requiring attention; a mother, very peculiar...
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Movies from Григорий Артемьев


Фильм - притча, в основе которого взаимоотношения Хозяина и Слуги, номенклатурного князька областного масштаба и его водителя. Их пути давно разошлись, но даже став известным дирижером, Слуга так и не смог изжить в себе внутреннее...
Movies from Григорий Артемьев

Охота на лис

A provincial Soviet town. Factory worker Victor Belov is beaten up by two teenagers in the park. One of them, Vladimir Belikov, goes to a correction labor settlement for two years, the other is put on probation. Belov goes on with his life...
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Movies from Григорий Артемьев

Мы, нижеподписавшиеся

The main events unfold in the train. The acceptance committee from Moscow, revealing deficiencies in the constructed bakery, did not sign the act of its delivery. But the fate of not only many people associated with the construction, but...
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Movies from Григорий Артемьев

С вечера до полудня

The events that take place from the evening of one day, until the afternoon of the next, radically change the life of the family of the elderly writer Zharkov.
Movies from Григорий Артемьев

Время желаний

Svetlana Vasilievna is a young, energetic woman who often changes jobs, accustomed to achieving the goals that she has set for herself in life. Her next desire is to marry a "creative, intelligent" person. After a lengthy search, she...
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Movies from Григорий Артемьев

Из жизни отдыхающих

Late autumn on the southern coast of Crimea. Cold sea. A colorful crowd gathered in one of the boarding houses, forced to invent entertainment for themselves ... In this situation of endless conversations about health and its absence,...
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Movies from Григорий Артемьев

Вам и не снилось

Two high school kids meet in class and fall madly in love with each other. Unfortunately, His father and her mother had a history of their own between them which creates uneasiness in both of them. Also because of that, the boy's mother is...
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Movies from Григорий Артемьев

Два воскресенья

Люська, служащая единственной сберкассы совсем молодого города Радиозаводска, выигрывает на лотерейный билет нейлоновую шубку. Сослуживцы советуют девушке получить деньги и купить какую-нибудь полезную штуку. Люська едет в областной город,...
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Movies from Григорий Артемьев

Блондинка за углом

An unemployed astrophysicist finds a job of a docker at a grocery store, where he falls in love with a street-wise saleswoman in the produce department. But the groom runs away at the wedding reception.
Movies from Григорий Артемьев


A twelve years old girl Lena who has come to live with her grandfather in a small Russian town is being bullied by her classmates. She took the rap of being a class traitor because she was in love with the boy who had betrayed his...
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Movies from Григорий Артемьев

Чужие письма

Zina is sixteen. She is a manipulative schoolgirl living in a small Russian town among sincere and simple people. Zina is nice on the surface, but so unable to enjoy normal life, that she is desperately trying to hurt someone. She tries to...
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Movies from Григорий Артемьев

О бедном гусаре замолвите слово

The small town agog Hussars entry. Love between cornet and the young actress suddenly faces intrigue made by a St. Petersburg bureaucrat. The actress father dies after being involved in this game and perspectives look dark... But evil will...
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Movies from Григорий Артемьев


A talented girl from the provincial Russian town Pasha Stroganova dreams of becoming an actress. She plays the role of Baba Yaga in the amateur theatre — and does it so organically that the visiting filmmaker offers her the most difficult...
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Movies from Григорий Артемьев

Сто дней после детства

A group of Russian teenagers spend their summer at a summer camp. Mitia falls in love and gets so occupied with his own problems that he forgets about everything else.
