Movies recommended by FLIIST

10 Best Alien Documentaries

Movies from FLIIST

I Know What I Saw

Director James Fox assembled the most credible UFO witnesses from around the world to testify at The National Press Club in Washington D.C.: Air Force Generals, astronauts, military and commercial pilots, government and FAA officials from seven countries tell stories that, as Governor Fife Symington from Arizona stated, "will challenge your reality".
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Movies from FLIIST

Out of the Blue

This documentary on The UFO Phenomenon aims to show that some UFOs may be extraterrestrial and that secrecy and ridicule are regularly employed to keep the truth about UFOs hidden.
Movies from FLIIST

UFOs: Past, Present, and Future

A documentary about unidentified flying objects (UFOs).
Movies from FLIIST

The Day Before Disclosure

Our modern civilization is likely to be confronted with the biggest paradigm shift in the perception of reality ever, and through our productions we wish to bring insight from the forefront of this development.
Movies from FLIIST

Mirage Men

UFOs: weapons of mass deception... For over 60 years teams within the US Air Force and Intelligence services exploited and manipulated beliefs about UFOs and ET visitations as part of their counterintelligence programmes. In doing so they spawned a mythology so powerful that it captivated and warped many brilliant minds, including several of their own. Now, for the first time, some of those behind these operations, and their victims, speak out, revealing a true story that is part Manchurian Candidate and part Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
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Movies from FLIIST

The Secret NASA Transmissions The Smoking Gun

Throughout the documented history of those early pioneering man missions into space, one can find numerous references, made by both astronauts and cosmonauts, to witnessing and sometimes describing curious anomalous objects seen while in orbit around the Earth. John Glenn likened these to fireflies and for a time, NASA actually believed they had stumbled across living creatures, according to one of its’ retired astronauts Scott Carpenter.” EBE Award Winner! Best Film International UFO Congress Film Festival. On March 11, 2000, in front of an assembled audience of UFO enthusiasts and the media, evidence was presented that would appear to indicate the existence of, not one, but two types of unknown extraterrestrial lifeforms. Labeled Phenomena One and Phenomena Two by a man who spent several years recording and logging thousands of hours of NASA space shuttle transmissions, this historic footage and the story that lay behind its discovery can now be revealed.
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Movies from FLIIST


Mankind's most carefully guarded secret revealed! For the first time.... information that you were never meant to know. Amazing UFO photos and video footage you were never meant to see. over 30 experts are represented in the fields of medicine, physics, science, aviation, journalism, biology, religion, politics, military and more! The difinitive documentary about E.T and UFO disclosure.
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Movies from FLIIST

Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers

Area 51, flying saucers from another world - and the program to create a fierce technology. Bob Lazar remains the singular most famous and controversial name in the world of UFOs. The reason you know about Area 51 is because Lazar came forward and told you about it. His disclosures have turned his life upside-down and he has tried to stay out of the spotlight. For this reason, he has never let any filmmaker into the private world of his daily life - that is - until now. Corbell’s film explores Lazar’s claims through the lens of thirty years - providing rare and never before revealed footage - guaranteed to alter the landscape of the debate.
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Movies from FLIIST


An exploration of the Alien presence on Earth and the reality of suppressed free energy technology.
Movies from FLIIST

Alien Autopsy: (Fact or Fiction?)

This provacative FOX Network "prime time" television special investigates the purported "Alien Autopsy" footage that was allegedly filmed by the United States military after the legendary UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.