Beauty recommended by Emma Watson

3 Emma Watson Favorite Deodorants

Emma Watson

Looking for something clean and with no harmful ingredients? Emma did her part in research and shared the top deodorants she recommends everybody.
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Beauty from Emma Watson

Botanical Cream Deodorant

Deodorant essential. It smells good and doesn't have lots of nasty crap in it. The packaging is recycled and it is also vegan.
Beauty from Emma Watson

Weleda Sage 12h Deodorant Spray

I also love the Weleda Sage Deodorant for the smell.
Beauty from Emma Watson

Agent Nateur N°3 Deodorant

It took me a while, but I finally found some good natural deodorant. It’s not an easy search! The best one I’ve found is Agent Nateur—I use the No. 3.