TV Shows recommended by Elena Moon

Cериалы от Elena-6153: Часть 1

23 Apr 2020
TV Shows from Elena Moon

Бывает и хуже

The daily mishaps of a married woman and her semi-dysfunctional family and their attempts to survive life in general in the city of Orson, Indiana.
TV Shows from Elena Moon


A preacher sets out on a mission to make the almighty himself confess his sin of abandoning the world. With his best friend Cassidy, an alcoholic Irish vampire, his love Tulip, a red blooded gun towing Texan, and the power of genesis, an unholy child born from an angel and a devil, Jesse gives up everything to set the world straight with its creator.
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TV Shows from Elena Moon


In a parallel present where the latest must-have gadget for any busy family is a 'Synth' - a highly-developed robotic servant that's so similar to a real human it's transforming the way we live.
TV Shows from Elena Moon

Девочки не сдаются

5 женских судеб, 5 сложных характеров и 5 любовных драм — в новой лирической комедии героини влюбляются, изменяют, разводятся, воспитывают детей и мужчин. Экс-модель, ведущая прогноза погоды, бизнесвумен, стюардесса и студентка — они такие разные, но объединяет их одно — стремление к простому женскому счастью. Правда, неожиданные перемены превращают их размеренную жизнь в американские горки с крутыми виражами и непредсказуемым финалом.
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TV Shows from Elena Moon

Пять минут тишины

Александр Грек, вернувшись после стажировки в Москву и узнав, что его невеста Лина, с которой он собирался окончательно расстаться, беременна, принимает решение жениться на матери своего ребенка. Однако остаться в столице у него не получается: ему уготована служба в отдалённом районе, и он просит направить его назад, в Карелию. Лина решает ехать с ним и там играть свадьбу. Вернувшись в Карелию, Греку предстоит пережить объяснение с Таней, которую он любит, и с Гиреевым, который зол на молодого человека, заставившего страдать его дочь.
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TV Shows from Elena Moon


The main character is an extraordinary and mysterious person, at the same time, he (Rodion Meglin) is an outstanding inspector. Rodion is used to work alone in order to keep the secrecy of his unusual method. Young graduate Esenya Steklova is eager to get the internship with the glorious investigator but she could hardly expect the challenges she would face while working with Rodion. Together they investigate the cruelest crimes that took place in the history of Russian criminality.
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TV Shows from Elena Moon

Золотая Орда

Golden Horde - Russian historical TV show.
TV Shows from Elena Moon

Полицейский с Рублёвки

The television tragicomic story about a young guy named Grisha Izmailov, who became a policeman and was called to protect peace and order in the most elite area of ​​the city of Moscow and the Russian Federation. The guy has to investigate the cases in which the residents of Rublyovka get involved, and he does this, often exceeding his authority. Grisha is about 30 years old, he is handsome, lonely, rich, cynical, passionate and treats everything with a fair amount of black humor. He takes care of his younger sister Nika, who he is forced to constantly get out of trouble. He regularly mocks his boss, Volodya, who thinks that Grisha was sent to him for all his deadly sins. The main character’s best friend is Mukhich, a colorful, clumsy fat man who has no success with girls. Grisha himself, without exerting effort, knows how to please women, for example, his girlfriend - prostitute Christina, but can never achieve reciprocity from Alena, who has long been in love with.
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TV Shows from Elena Moon

Ангел или демон

Валерия - обычный испанский подросток, но однажды все изменилось. Девушка узнаЁт свою истинную природу и миссию на Земле. Она Ангел и ей придётся бороться с силами зла. Падший ангел Дэмиан хочет переманить Валерию на сторону зла. Наставник Валерии Натаэль старается предотвратить такой исход, но удастся ли ему это?
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TV Shows from Elena Moon

13 причин почему

After a teenage girl's perplexing suicide, a classmate receives a series of tapes that unravel the mystery of her tragic choice.
TV Shows from Elena Moon

Закрытая школа

The action takes place in the Moscow region in an old noble estate, built almost 200 years ago by Scherbatov nobleman. After the October Socialist Revolution and until the end of World War II, the manor was empty. From 1945 to 1953 a special reception center for children of “enemies of the people” was located here. Then from 1953 to 1980, orphanage No. 8 began to work there. After its closure, the manor was again empty for exactly 20 years. At the end of 1999, the building was bought out under a private elite boarding school, in which the action unfolds today.The series tells about the life of students and teachers of the elite boarding school "Logos", located in the old estate of Shcherbatov nobleman in the midst of a gloomy, but picturesque forest. In their closed world, all experiences are much more acute than in ordinary school life.In the story, throughout the series, there are eleven main characters. In the course of the plot, it turns out that each of them has its own secrets and skeletons in the closet.
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TV Shows from Elena Moon


In the town of Podolsk, The Bears hockey club hires a new coach, Sergei Makeyev, a former National Hockey League player, who sets out to get the club to the Junior Hockey League and make The Bears a successful team.
TV Shows from Elena Moon


Chicagoan Frank Gallagher is the proud single dad of six smart, industrious, independent kids, who without him would be... perhaps better off. When Frank's not at the bar spending what little money they have, he's passed out on the floor. But the kids have found ways to grow up in spite of him. They may not be like any family you know, but they make no apologies for being exactly who they are.
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TV Shows from Elena Moon

Рассказ служанки

Set in a dystopian future, a woman is forced to live as a concubine under a fundamentalist theocratic dictatorship. A TV adaptation of Margaret Atwood's novel.
TV Shows from Elena Moon


Maksim "Max" Lavrov wants to become a great chef. But he finds out that the kitchen isn't the place for an easy career. And in restaurant "Claude Monet" this job looks even harder and much more complicated than just cooking.
TV Shows from Elena Moon

Отель Элеон

The new series of CTC, which will continue the story of the hit comedy "Kitchen". Chef Victor Barinov retired and Eleanor Andreevna met the man of her dreams and moved to St. Petersburg - this ended the final season of "Kitchen". But life in the hotel and the restaurant continues: Michael Dzhekovich still responsible for order in the "Eleon" chef Victor restaurant appointed Senya, and her daughter gets an unexpected boost, which is not pleased with the bone. Everything goes on as usual, while the hotel is not headed by Paul - unlucky nephew of former mistress. In order not to disappoint Aunt and save the business, he entices Brussels Supermenedzher Sofia Tolstaya. New management sets its own rules, and now the hotel is waiting for major changes that overturned upside down not only the habitual way of "Eleon", but the characters and personal plans.
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TV Shows from Elena Moon

Плоть и кости

Claire, a talented but emotionally troubled dancer, joins a company in New York City, and soon finds herself immersed in the tough and often cutthroat world of professional ballet. The dark and gritty series will unflinchingly explore the dysfunction and glamour of the ballet world.
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TV Shows from Elena Moon

Война и мир

A story that revolves around five aristocratic families, set during the reign of Alexander I, and centered on the love triangle between Natasha Rostova, Pierre Bezukhov, and Andrei Bolkonsky.
TV Shows from Elena Moon

Очень странные дела

When a young boy vanishes, a small town uncovers a mystery involving secret experiments, terrifying supernatural forces, and one strange little girl.
TV Shows from Elena Moon

Большая маленькая ложь

The tale of three mothers of first graders whose apparently perfect lives unravel to the point of murder.
TV Shows from Elena Moon


A coming-of-age story about an outsider who, against all odds and numerous challenges, fights for love and acceptance and for her place in the world. The series centers on a young orphaned girl in the late 1890’s, who, after an abusive childhood spent in orphanages and the homes of strangers, is mistakenly sent to live with an elderly woman and her aging brother. Over time, 13-year-old Anne will transform their lives and eventually the small town in which they live with her unique spirit, fierce intellect and brilliant imagination.
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TV Shows from Elena Moon

Убойная сила

«Убойная сила» - российский телевизионный детективный сериал по мотивам произведений Андрея Кивинова. Был выпущен компанией «Первый канал» как прямой конкурент и одновременно спин-офф сериала «Улицы разбитых фонарей». Действие начинается в 1999 году в Санкт-Петербурге. В центре сюжета оперативные сотрудники районного отдела милиции и убойного отдела главка в Санкт-Петербурге. В следующих сезонах, как правило, каждая серия это самостоятельная криминальная детективная история. Главные герои сериала Игорь Плахов и Василий Рогов - сотрудники милиции, их служба связана с раскрытием как бытовых преступлений, так и борьбой с организованной преступностью. Работая за копеечную зарплату и рискуя жизнью, герои исполняют свой долг. В первом сезоне главные герои - сотрудники районного отдела милиции. В отдел к Плахову и Рогову переводят «на усиление» Анатолия Дукалиса, который в свою очередь не теряет связи со своими старыми знакомыми, героями сериала «Улицы разбитых фонарей». Начиная со второго сезона сотрудники райотдела Плахов, Рогов и Шишкин переводятся в «главк», под непосредственное начало генерала (Сан-Саныч) . Здесь их пути расходятся с «ментами» (Дукалис, Волков, Ларин и Соловец). Служба бросает их в самые разные места: (Лос-Анджелес, Чечню, Лазурный берег, ЮАР) и везде они демонстрируют высокий профессионализм, находчивость и чувство юмора, позволяющее с честью выходить из самых сложных испытаний. В сюжете сериала много скрытой пародии, реминисценций и цитат из известных фильмов и книг («Белое солнце пустыни», сериал «Коломбо», «Особенности национальной охоты», произведения о Шерлоке Холмсе и других).
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TV Shows from Elena Moon

Оранжевый — хит сезона

A crime she committed in her youthful past sends Piper Chapman to a women's prison, where she trades her comfortable New York life for one of unexpected camaraderie and conflict in an eccentric group of fellow inmates.
TV Shows from Elena Moon


The story of young teenagers and pupils from Hartvig Nissens upper secondary school in Oslo, and their troubles, scandals and everyday life. Each season is told from a different person's point of view.
