Movies recommended by Edward Norton

Edward Norton’s 5 Favourite Films

Edward Norton

Here is a list of Edward Norton’s favourite films. Enjoy!
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Movies from Edward Norton

The Cruise

Once more, though Norton returns to a rather more esoteric field for his final pick. “My last film on my list would be The Cruise which is a documentary by a friend of mine named Bennett Miller. Bennett is better known for having been nominated for Best Director for directing Capote, but The Cruise is a documentary he made about a tour boat driver in New York and his philosophy of life.”
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Movies from Edward Norton

The King of Comedy

Next up was another classic, and a personal favourite of my own to betray an opinion. “Number two might be The King of Comedy, Martin Scorsese’s film with Robert De Niro,” he declared. “Lots of people, of course, will talk about Taxi Driver or Raging Bull as the great films made by Scorsese and De Niro but I think The King of Comedy belongs right up in that group. It is one of De Niro’s great performances as Rupert Pupkin as a demented aspiring comedy. It is one of the greatest commentaries about America and fame and it just has legendary performances by Jerry Lewis and Sandra Bernhard in addition to De Niro, so check out The King of Comedy.”
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Movies from Edward Norton


“Number three is a Japanese film called Tampopo by the director Juzo Itami,” he continued. “A lot of people never got to see it in America but really it is one of my favourite movies of all time. Tampopo is sometimes called a noodle western because it’s about a woman’s search to make the perfect ramen noodle and Japanese cowboy who helps her on her quest. It’s hard to even quantify what’s great about this movie.” It’s certainly niche, but its loving heart makes it well worth a watch.
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Movies from Edward Norton

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

His next pick was somewhat more of a classic: “Number four, that you might not have seen is Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf with Liz Taylor and Richard Burton. It’s the great play by Edward Alby made into really one of the great performance films of all time, and it’s not to be missed.” The 1966 epic saw both Liz Taylor and Sandy Dennis pick up Oscars for their performances making it a firm actor’s favourite.
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Movies from Edward Norton

Ruggles of Red Gap

“A favourite film that you might have never heard of is Ruggles of Red Gap,” he began. “It’s a 1935 film starring Charles Laughton. It’s about a British butler who gets lost in a card game to a western rancher and he finds himself in America.