Movies recommended by Denzel Washington

Denzel Washington’s Favorite Films

Denzel Washington

Here is a list of Denzel Washington’s favorite films. Enjoy the list!
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Movies from Denzel Washington

Blue Velvet

Choosing The Education of Sonny Carson and The Godfather, Washington throws one final film on the pile in the form of David Lynch’s Blue Velvet, recalling, “It was the first time I saw anything so strange”.
Movies from Denzel Washington

The Godfather

Choosing The Education of Sonny Carson and The Godfather, Washington throws one final film on the pile in the form of David Lynch’s Blue Velvet, recalling, “It was the first time I saw anything so strange”.
Movies from Denzel Washington

The Education of Sonny Carson

Choosing The Education of Sonny Carson and The Godfather, Washington throws one final film on the pile in the form of David Lynch’s Blue Velvet, recalling, “It was the first time I saw anything so strange”.