Cuisine recommended by David Sinclair

Top 7 David Sinclair's Favorite Foods To Slow Down Aging

David Sinclair

Here is a list of David Sinclair's favorite foods to slow down aging. Enjoy!
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Cuisine from David Sinclair

Brazil nut

Sinclair rounds out his list with nuts, specifically cashews (his favorite) and Brazil nuts. He's a fan of these two because of their protein content (cashews boast 5.1 grams per ounce, while Brazil nuts contain 4 grams per ounce).
Cuisine from David Sinclair


Sinclair rounds out his list with nuts, specifically cashews (his favorite) and Brazil nuts. He's a fan of these two because of their protein content (cashews boast 5.1 grams per ounce, while Brazil nuts contain 4 grams per ounce).
Cuisine from David Sinclair


Perhaps less surprising than cantaloupe, blueberries are one of Sinclair's favorite snacks.
Cuisine from David Sinclair


But according to Sinclair: "As a fruit, that's the most nutritious you can get."
Cuisine from David Sinclair

Brussels sprout

Moving on to his veggie pick, Sinclair is also a fan of Brussels sprouts—specifically, "roasted Brussels sprouts, pan-fried, a bit of garlic and salt and pepper."
Cuisine from David Sinclair

Olive oil

Sinclair's second pick is another source of healthy fats: high-quality olive oil. "Very fresh, very tasty, with maybe a little bit of bread or gluten-free bread dipped in there," he explains.
Cuisine from David Sinclair


As for the No. 1 spot, it's avocados for Sinclair: "If I could only eat one food, it would probably be avocados," he states definitively.