TV Shows recommended by Daoine

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23 Dec 2023
Oksana Panchenko
TV Shows from Daoine

Расследования Мёрдока

В 1890-х годах в Канаде полицейский инспектор применяет новейшие научные методы дедукции, к большому огорчению своего начальства.
TV Shows from Daoine

Шпионы из Кембриджа

В 1934 году четверо блестящих молодых выпускников Кембриджского университета были завербованы советской разведкой. Движимые юношеским идеализмом, стремлением к социальной справедливости и ненавистью к фашизму, они рисковали всем ради того, чтобы самые тщательно охраняемые тайны Британской империи и западного мира стали известны в Советском Союзе. Их звали Гай Берджесс, Энтони Блант, Ким Филби и Доналд Маклин. Они вошли в высшие круги британского общества, сделали блестящие карьеры в политике, дипломатии и разведке и одновременно передавали в Москву бесценную секретную информацию…
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TV Shows from Daoine

Уроки химии

In the 1950s, Elizabeth Zott's dream of being a scientist is challenged by a society that says women belong in the domestic sphere. She accepts a job on a TV cooking show and sets out to teach a nation of overlooked housewives way more than recipes.
TV Shows from Daoine

Игра на выживание

Sixteen contestants of a new survival show are taken to the Siberian taiga to compete for the price of one million euros. The rules are simple: no food, personal belongings, electricity, communications and civilization for hundreds of kilometers around. The one remains wins. Soon TV project turns into a deadly game, where LIFE becomes the main prize... What is it? Is it sick TV script? Who is behind this? And who can survive without losing their humanity?
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TV Shows from Daoine

Почти нормальная семья

Мир идеальной семьи рушится, когда жуткое убийство доказывает, что они готовы на все, лишь бы защитить друг друга.
TV Shows from Daoine

Робинзон Крузо

Это рассказ о Робинзоне Крузо, по легендарному роману Даниеля Дефо. Молодой человек оставляет свою любовь, только чтоб отправиться в путешествие, и в результате терпит крушение на тропическом острове, где проживет 28 лет, полностью оторванный от привычной жизни. От сумасшествия его удерживают лишь любовь к жене и дружба с Пятницей. На острове Крузо столкнется с врагами и покорит стихии.
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TV Shows from Daoine

The Buccaneers

TV Shows from Daoine

Чрезвычайно британский скандал

Продолжение мини-сериала "Чрезвычайно английский скандал" 2018 года, в котором рассказывают историю отношений герцога и герцогини Аргайл, Иана Кэмпбелла и Маргарет Уигэм, которые закончились громким бракоразводным процессом в 1963 году, во время которого герцог в том числе предъявил фотографии, на которых герцогиня делала минет неизвестному мужчине.
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TV Shows from Daoine


19th century Great Britain. The Industrial Revolution brings both the promise and fear of change. In the provincial town of Middlemarch, the progressive Dorothea Brooke desperately seeks intellectual fulfillment in a male-dominated society and is driven into an unhappy marriage to the elderly scholar Casaubon. No sooner do they embark on their honeymoon than she meets and develops an instant connection with Casaubon's young cousin, Will Ladislaw. When idealistic Doctor Lydgate arrives, his new methods of medicine sweep him into the battle between conservatives and liberals in town. He quickly becomes enamored of the beautiful, privileged Rosamond Vincy, a woman whose troubles seem bound to destroy him.
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TV Shows from Daoine

Wives and Daughters

Wives and Daughters is a 1999 four part BBC serial adapted from the novel Wives and Daughters: An Everyday Story by Victorian author Elizabeth Gaskell. It focuses on Molly Gibson (Justine Waddell), the daughter of the town doctor, and the changes that occur in her life after her widowed father chooses to remarry. The union brings into her once-quiet life an ever-proper stepmother (Francesca Annis) and flirtatious stepsister, Cynthia (Keeley Hawes), while a friendship with the local squire brings about an unexpected romance.
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TV Shows from Daoine

Весь невидимый нам свет

В последние дни Второй мировой войны пути невидящей француженки и немецкого солдата пересекаются.
TV Shows from Daoine

Код убийства

The Bletchley Circle follows the journey of four ordinary women with extraordinary skills that helped to end World War II. Set in 1952, Susan, Millie, Lucy and Jean have returned to their normal lives, modestly setting aside the part they played in producing crucial intelligence, which helped the Allies to victory and shortened the war. When Susan discovers a hidden code behind an unsolved murder she is met by skepticism from the police. She quickly realises she can only begin to crack the murders and bring the culprit to justice with her former friends. The Bletchley Circle paints a vivid portrait of post-war Britain in this fictional tale of unsung heroes.
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TV Shows from Daoine

Падение дома Ашеров

Ruthless siblings Roderick and Madeline Usher have built Fortunato Pharmaceuticals into an empire of wealth, privilege and power. But past secrets come to light when the heirs to the Usher dynasty start dying at the hands of a mysterious woman from their youth.
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TV Shows from Daoine

The House of Eliott

TV Shows from Daoine

Становление Елизаветы

Историческая драма о становлении юной принцессы Елизаветы Тюдор и о ее пути к трону. После смерти короля Генриха VIII Англией должен был управлять принц Эдуард. Но он был слишком юн и подвергся манипуляциям нескольких высокопоставленных семей. Когда в спор о власти оказываются втянуты Елизавета и ее сестра Мария, будущая Елизавета I начинает вести свою собственную игру.
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TV Shows from Daoine


Follows the mystery of Flight 716 - a passenger plane that vanishes over the Atlantic Ocean. Following the mysterious crash, recently widowed, brilliant aviation investigator Kendra Malley is called in to investigate by her former boss and mentor Howard Lawson.
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TV Shows from Daoine

Mrs Wilson

After the sudden death of ex-Secret Intelligence Service man Alexander, his wife Alison investigates when mysteries from her husband's past come knocking.
TV Shows from Daoine


The extraordinary rise of Livia Drusilla, who overcame adversity to become the most powerful woman in the world. Follow Livia’s journey from a naïve young girl whose world crumbles in the wake of Julius Caesar’s assassination, to Rome’s most powerful and influential Empress.
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TV Shows from Daoine

Почему не Эванс?

A dying man's enigmatic last words send vicar's son, Bobby Jones, and his socialite friend, Lady Frankie Derwent, on a crime-solving adventure.
TV Shows from Daoine

Туманы Авалона

The Mists of Avalon is a 2001 miniseries based on the novel of the same name by Marion Zimmer Bradley. It was produced by American cable channel TNT and directed by Uli Edel.
TV Shows from Daoine

Coming Home

Alone and without her parents, Judith Dunbar spends her school days in a boarding school. When her friend Loveday invites her to Gut Nancherrow one day, it is love at first sight for Judith. The elegant lady of the house Diana, her husband Colonel Cary-Lewis and Loveday's siblings Edward and Athena immediately fall in love with her and treat her like family. But the outbreak of the Second World War put an end to the idyll on Nancherrow overnight. A long, thorny road lies ahead of Judith until she finally finds happiness in a family of her own...
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TV Shows from Daoine

Молодая Екатерина

A German princess is chosen to marry the heir to the Russian Throne, but faces plots and intrigues against her.
TV Shows from Daoine

Чёрное зеркало

A contemporary British re-working of The Twilight Zone with stories that tap into the collective unease about our modern world. Over the last ten years, technology has transformed almost every aspect of our lives before we've had time to stop and question it. In every home; on every desk; in every palm - a plasma screen; a monitor; a smartphone - a black mirror of our 21st Century existence.
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TV Shows from Daoine

The Wingless Bird

On the eve of World War I, Agnes Conway manages both the business and the problems of her troubled family. She finds the strength to break class barriers and help her sister Jessie marry a good boy from a family of dockside toughs. Is she strong enough to break them again when Charles Farrier, a gentleman, courts her over his parents' opposition? Agnes faces an added dilemma when she finds her heart divided between Charles and his soldier brother Reginald.
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