Movies recommended by Daoine

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11 Mar 2024
Oksana Panchenko
Movies from Daoine


A prim and proper schoolgirl goes against her grandmother's wishes when she dates a motorcycle-riding juvenile delinquent.
Movies from Daoine

Рубин во мгле

Sally Lockhart has struck a man dead with just three words, sent to her in a message from her father just before he drowned in the South China Seas. But unfortunately, Sally has no idea what the words The Seven Blessings mean. Before long, she is drawn into a mystery filled with opium, secrets from her own past and, at the heart of it all, the Ruby of Agrapur.
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Movies from Daoine

Тень Полярной звезды

Sally Lockhart crosses paths with the nefarious industrialist Axel Bellman, the richest and most powerful man in Europe. She's determined to prove him guilty of corruption and fraud, whilst Bellman will stop at nothing to destroy her case.
Movies from Daoine


When Rudy Baylor, a young attorney with no clients, goes to work for a seedy ambulance chaser, he wants to help the parents of a terminally ill boy in their suit against an insurance company. But to take on corporate America, Rudy and a scrappy paralegal must open their own law firm.
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Movies from Daoine


A man caught in the middle of two simultaneous robberies at a bank desperately tries to protect the teller with whom he's secretly in love.
Movies from Daoine


In Casablanca, Morocco in December 1941, a cynical American expatriate meets a former lover, with unforeseen complications.
Movies from Daoine

Англичанин, который поднялся на холм, но спустился с горы

When an English cartographer arrives in Wales to tell the residents of the Welsh village of Ffynnon Garw that their 'mountain' is only a hill, the offended community sets out to remedy the situation.
Movies from Daoine

Пьяный рассвет

In a seaside California town, best friends Mac and Nick are on opposite sides of the law. Mac is a former drug dealer trying to clean up his act, while Nick is a high-profile detective trying to take down a Mexican drug lord named Carlos. Soon Nick's loyalties are put to the test when he begins an affair with restaurateur Jo Ann -- a love interest of Mac's -- unwittingly leading his friend into a police-orchestrated trap.
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Movies from Daoine

История моей жены

Капитан Якоб Штэрр заключает пари с приятелем, что женится на первой женщине, которая переступит порог кафе, в котором они коротают время. Избранницей становится ветреная француженка Лиззи. Восхитительная, очаровательная, но отнюдь не верная.
Movies from Daoine

Голова в облаках

A romantic drama set in 1930s England, Paris, and Spain. Gilda Bessé shares her Paris apartment with an Irish schoolteacher, Guy Malyon, and Mia, a refugee from Spain. As the world drifts toward war, Gilda defiantly pursues her hedonistic lifestyle and her burgeoning career as a photographer. But Guy and Mia feel impelled to join the fight against fascism, and the three friends are separated.
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Movies from Daoine

Как женить холостяка

Frank and Lindsay—two emotionally-broken strangers—meet on the way to a destination wedding. Over the course of the weekend and against all odds, they find themselves drawn together even though they are initially repulsed by one another.
Movies from Daoine

Уоллис и Эдуард

История любви, потрясшая Великобританию и весь мир. Старший сын короля Георга V, 40-летний Эдуард, в начале 1930-х годов знакомится с прекрасной Уоллис Симпсон. Их взаимная страсть приводит в ужас королевское окружение, ведь Уоллис замужем, причём вторично. После смерти отца Эдуард должен стать королём. Согласно законам, он не может сочетаться браком с Уоллис, к тому моменту вновь разведённой. Эдуард с негодованием отвергает предлагаемые премьер-министром Стэнли Болдуином варианты, и принимает мужественное решение.
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Movies from Daoine

По Фрейду

Накануне Второй мировой войны основатель психоанализа Зигмунд Фрейд встречается с писателем Клайвом Льюисом, чтобы поспорить о том, существует ли Бог.
Movies from Daoine

Праздник любви

A meditation on love and its various incarnations, set within a community of friends in Oregon. It is described as an exploration of the magical, mysterious and sometimes painful incarnations of love.
Movies from Daoine

Стальные магнолии

This heart wrenching drama is about a beauty shop, in Louisana owned by Truvy, and the tragedies of all of her clients.
Movies from Daoine

Свадьба лучшего друга

When she receives word that her longtime platonic pal Michael O'Neal is getting married to debutante Kimberly Wallace, food critic Julianne Potter realizes her true feelings for Michael -- and sets out to sabotage the wedding.
Movies from Daoine


По одноименной пьесе Ференца Молнара. Принцесса Александра по настоянию своей матери старается понравиться своему дальнему родственнику, кронпринцу Альберту…
Movies from Daoine


In Babel, a tragic incident involving an American couple in Morocco sparks a chain of events for four families in different countries throughout the world. In the struggle to overcome isolation, fear, and displacement, each character discovers that it is family that ultimately provides solace. In the remote sands of the Moroccan desert, a rifle shot rings out detonating a chain of events that will link an American tourist couples frantic struggle to survive, two Moroccan boys involved in an accidental crime, a nanny illegally crossing into Mexico with two American children and a Japanese teen rebel whose father is sought by the police in Tokyo. Separated by clashing cultures and sprawling distances, each of these four disparate groups of people are nevertheless hurtling towards a shared destiny of isolation and grief.
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Movies from Daoine


Sam Wheat is a banker, Molly Jensen is an artist, and the two are madly in love. However, when Sam is murdered by his friend and corrupt business partner Carl Bruner over a shady business deal, he is left to roam the earth as a powerless spirit. When he learns of Carl's betrayal, Sam must seek the help of psychic Oda Mae Brown to set things right and protect Molly from Carl and his goons.
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Movies from Daoine

Доводы рассудка

Living with her snobby family on the brink of bankruptcy, Anne Elliot is an unconforming woman with modern sensibilities. When Frederick Wentworth - the dashing one she once sent away - crashes back into her life, Anne must choose between putting the past behind her or listening to her heart when it comes to second chances.
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Movies from Daoine

Одиссея капитана Блада

After being wrongly convicted as a traitor, Peter Blood, an English physician, is sent to exile in the British colonies of the Caribbean, where he becomes a pirate.
Movies from Daoine

Король вне закона

Forced into exile by the English after being crowned King of Scotland, legendary warrior Robert the Bruce fights to reclaim the throne.
Movies from Daoine

Тюремный эксперимент в Стэнфорде

This film is based on the actual events that took place in 1971 when Stanford professor Dr. Philip Zimbardo created what became one of the most shocking and famous social experiments of all time.
Movies from Daoine


В день рождения своего сына, не сказав никому ни слова, преуспевающий архитектор Кол садится в машину и уезжает куда глаза глядят. Оставив престижную работу, роскошную квартиру и любящую семью, он отправляется навстречу неведомым приключениям, надеясь в пути обрести самого себя. Кол знает, что его ждут опасные и забавные встречи с непредсказуемыми незнакомцами, но он готов рискнуть всем, став неутомимым странником на дорогах судьбы.
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