Music recommended by Andrew Garfield

Andrew Garfield's Favorite Songs

Andrew Garfield

Here is a list of Andrew Garfield's favorite songs. Enjoy!
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Music from Andrew Garfield
AG: My last song is kind of contrasting to what we’ve heard so far, and it’s “Mississippi Goddam” by Nina Simone.It feels like a great protest song for what we’re experiencing in the U.S. right now, especially. And the beauty of it is that it can be applied to any struggling community.
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Music from Andrew Garfield

You Give a Little Love (From "Bugsy Malone")

AG: It’s called “You Give A Little Love” and it’s the last song in the musical Bugsy Malone. This musical was probably one of the first movies I saw that gave me the idea that being an actor was a thing to do.Because it was all young kids pretending to be gangsters and singing these incredible songs within these incredible sets.The essence of this song is kind of how I try and long to live my life, and it’s a very simple message, and a beautiful message, and it makes me happy any time I hear it.
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Music from Andrew Garfield

Just A Gigolo — Louis Prima

AG: Yes. This song is “Just a Gigolo.” Louis Prima is someone that my dad introduced me to actually, as a musician. And his father before him, so there’s something kind of ancestral in it, I don’t know. But when I hear it, I just have to move. I have to jiggle and shake. I can’t help but be joyous.
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Music from Andrew Garfield

Father And Son — Yusuf / Cat Stevens

AB: And that was Don McLean with “Vincent.” Alright, so for your second pick we have “Father and Son” by Cat Stevens.AG: It feels like every young man, can’t help but be affected by this song. Two, three years ago I did a play called Death of a Salesman, the Arthur Miller play. That was a profoundly transformative time for me to work on that material and to sit in that place.
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Music from Andrew Garfield

Vincent — Don McLean

AB: Alright, so getting into the first song we have something by Don McLean, “Vincent”, correct?AG: Yes. This song gave me the courage to try to be an actor, really.And it kind of came into my consciousness just before I was doing my first public performance as an actor, which was at the Globe Theater, in London.
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