Dead in a Week (Or Your Money Back) - 2018
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Dead in a Week (Or Your Money Back)

Updated: 18 Jul 2022
Peter Pedrero Luke Bryant Tom Edmunds Tom Edmunds Guy Garvey Natalie Humphries Paul Saunderson John Sharpe Peter Jobson Freya Cullen Freddie Mason
Aneurin Barnard Tom Wilkinson Freya Mavor Christopher Eccleston Marion Bailey Velibor Topic Nigel Lindsay Gethin Anthony Marcia Warren Emma Campbell-Jones Nathalie Buscombe Carol MacReady Harry Collett Orion Lee Eileen Nicholas James Kermack Keir Charles Cecilia Noble Tim Steed Gioacchino Jim Cuffaro Mark Penfold Parth Thakerar Neelam Bakshi Ashton Henry-Reid
Drama, Comedy, Action
Country: no data
Year: 2018
William has failed to kill himself so many times that he outsources his suicide to aging assassin Leslie. But with the contract signed and death assured within a week (or his money back), William suddenly discovers reasons to live... However Leslie is under pressure from his boss to make sure the contract is completed.