A Tale of Two Sisters - 2003
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A Tale of Two Sisters

Updated: 18 Jul 2022
Lee Byung-woo Lee Mo-gae Cho Keun-hyun Kim Jee-woon Kim Jee-woon Oh Jung-wan Ko Im-pyo Choi Jae-won Ki-min Oh Choi Sun-ok Choi Tae-young Kim Jung-hwa Kim Do-hee
Im Soo-jung Moon Geun-young Yum Jung-ah Kim Kap-soo Park Mi-hyeon Lee Seung-bi Woo Ki-Hong Lee Dae-yeon
Mystery, Horror, Drama
Country: no data
Year: 2003
A recently released patient from a mental institution returns home with her sister, only to face disturbing events between her stepmother and the ghosts haunting their house- all of which are connected to a dark past in the family's history.