Maggie - 2015
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Updated: 18 Jul 2022
Arnold Schwarzenegger Bill Johnson Pierre-Ange Le Pogam Lukas Ettlin Jim Seibel Barry Brooker Frank J Zito III Stan Wertlieb Ed Cathell III David Wingo Paul Lavoie Claire Breaux Claudia Bluemhuber Jane Rizzo Charles V. Bender Ryan Glorioso Brett Pawlak Alexandra Dimopoulos Ryan Martin Dwyer Elvis Jones Melanie Deforrest Gabor Norman Julie Ziah Trevor Gates Vicki Vandegrift Chris Terhune Amy C. Weinberg Angela Hemingway Steven Iba Henry Hobson Trenton McRae Kyle Arzt Matthew Baer Pat A. O'Connor Allen Parks Margeaux Fox Donna Spahn Karri Farris Nick DiRosa Amanda Steeley Michael Stumpf Matthew O'Toole Donita Miller LeDiedra Richard-Baldwin Heidi Howell Jason Waggenspack Bailey Domke Christopher Learmonth John Scott 3 John Scott 3 Troy Wagner Trevor Kaufman Joey Tufaro Florian Dargel Ronald R.E. Hebert Ara Keshishian Todd Trosclair James Miller Laura Katz Tracy Bennett Francis Scot Middleton Guy Clayton Murray Gale Melanie Murray Adam Nagle Scott Boyajan Miklos Kozary Patrick Murphy Aymeric Perceval Wade Whitley Isaiah Duncan Colin Bates
Arnold Schwarzenegger Abigail Breslin Joely Richardson Douglas M. Griffin J.D. Evermore Rachel Whitman Groves Jodie Moore Bryce Romero Raeden Greer Aiden Flowers Carson Flowers Walter von Huene Dana Gourrier Amy Brassette David A. Cole Mattie Liptak Liann Pattison Maris Black Jessy Hughes Denise Williamson Taylor Ashley Murphy Colin Walker Ashley Nicole Hudson P.J. Marshall Brett Baker Laura Cayouette
Mystery, Horror, Drama
Country: no data
Year: 2015
There's a deadly zombie epidemic threatening humanity, but Wade, a small-town farmer and family man, refuses to accept defeat even when his daughter Maggie becomes infected. As Maggie's condition worsens and the authorities seek to eradicate those with the virus, Wade is pushed to the limits in an effort to protect her. Joely Richardson co-stars in this post-apocalyptic thriller.