Firestarter - 1984
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Updated: 18 Jul 2022
Johanna Ray Ronald Sanders Stephen King Giuseppe Ruzzolini David Rawlins Martha De Laurentiis Giorgio Postiglione Christopher Franke Stanley Mann Mark L. Lester Frank Capra, Jr. Edgar Froese Johannes Schmölling Lynn Wolverton-Parker
David Keith Drew Barrymore Freddie Jones Heather Locklear Martin Sheen George C. Scott Art Carney Louise Fletcher Moses Gunn Antonio Fargas Drew Snyder Curtis Credel Keith Colbert Dick Warlock Jeff Ramsey
Thriller, Science Fiction
Country: no data
Year: 1984
As youths, Andy McGee and his future wife, Vicky, participated in secret experiments, allowing themselves to be subjected to mysterious medical tests. Years later, the couple's daughter, Charlie, begins to exhibit the ability of setting fires solely with her mind. This volatile talent makes the youngster extremely dangerous and soon she becomes a target for the enigmatic agency known as "The Shop."