Bambi II - 2006
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Bambi II

Updated: 18 Jul 2022
Dan Yale Bruce Broughton Felix Salten Jim Ballantine Jeanne Rosenberg Brian Pimental Brian Pimental Alicia Kirk Charles W. Ritter Mark Solomon Jamie Thomason Jeremy Milton Dave Okey Keith Rogers Andrew Collins Thomas Whiting Donald J. Malouf Donald J. Malouf Nadia Vurbenova Eric Koenig Julian Hynes Pierre Lorenzi Carolyn Guske Doug Ball Dominick Certo Todd Popp Terry O'Bright Chris DeLaGuardia Steven Gizicki Bob McKnight Doug Little Barbara Gerety Ian Harrowell Linda Luong Mary Beth Smith Robert Sledge Barry Dean Jerry Liew James Zheng Matthew Jones Arturo A. Hernandez Ritsuko Notani Archie Bolina Zhiqiang Ding Vincenzo Nisco Stefano Pastorino Alex Casin Gener Ocampo Mark Sonntag George Humphry Sara Rivers Michael Rule Bernard Yohalin Andrew Meagher Mark A. Bollinger Ann L. Thornberg Carol Kieffer Police Pieter Lommerse Pieter Lommerse Marvin Petilla Barbara Olson Aaron Stannard Bernard Derriman Hye Y Coh Julie Eberley Scott Fassett Natasha Liberman Patrick Muylkens Jeffrey Moznett Amy Wadrop Carine Buncsi Christopher Glenn Collins TJ Libman Eric Orner Diane Aw Young
Patrick Stewart Alexander Gould Keith Ferguson Brendon Baerg Nicky Jones Andrea Bowen Anthony Ghannam Makenna Cowgill Emma Rose Lima Ariel Winter Brian Pimental Carolyn Hennesy Cree Summer
Family, Drama, Animation
Country: no data
Year: 2006
Return to the forest and join Bambi as he reunites with his father, The Great Prince, who must now raise the young fawn on his own. But in the adventure of a lifetime, the proud parent discovers there is much he can learn from his spirited young son.