Kin-dza-dza! - 1986
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Updated: 18 Jul 2022
Georgiy Daneliya Revaz Gabriadze Georgiy Daneliya Pavel Lebeshev Giya Kancheli Natalya Dobrunova Aleksandr Samulekin Teodor Tezhik Sergei Khramtsov Ekaterina Popova-Evans
Stanislav Lyubshin Evgeni Leonov Yuriy Yakovlev Levan Gabriadze Lev Perfilov Irina Shmeleva Olga Mashnaya Georgiy Daneliya Alexandr Martynov Anya Andrianova
Science Fiction, Drama, Comedy
Country: no data
Year: 1986
Two Soviet humans previously unknown to each other are transported to the planet Pluke in the Kin-dza-da galaxy due to a chance encounter with an alien teleportation device. They must come to grips with a language barrier and Plukian social norms (not to mention the laws of space and time) if they ever hope to return to Earth.