The Souvenir - 2019
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The Souvenir

Updated: 18 Jul 2022
Martin Scorsese Lesley Stewart Andrew Starke Emma Tillinger Koskoff Lizzie Francke Nicola Dove Joanna Hogg Joanna Hogg Joanna Hogg Stéphane Collonge Rose Garnett David Raedeker Helle le Fevre Pedro Moura Siobhan Harper Ryan Siobhan Harper Ryan Rebecca Gillies Olivia Scott-Webb Charles-Jean Boucher Matthew Winter Sara Doughty Robyn Forsythe Luke Schiller Mimi Winsor Grace Snell Paolo Guglielmotti Ilona Cheshire Toby Hosking Jack Sauverin
Honor Swinton Byrne Tom Burke Tilda Swinton Richard Ayoade Ariane Labed Jaygann Ayeh Jack McMullen Chyna Terrelonge Vaughan Tosin Cole Hannah Ashby Ward Frankie Wilson James Spencer Ashworth Janet Etuk Alice McMillan Jake Phillips Head Barbara Peirson Lydia Fox James Dodds El Pilkington Neil Young Dick Fontaine Steve Gough Crispin Buxton Grace Snell Siobhan Harper Ryan Leighton Spence Lee Martin Nicholas Gallop Leonardo Bozzo Carla Ornstein Jaz Dalrymple Peter Hall Estelle Long James Barrett Roscoe Gibson-Denney Eleanor Goff Ben Hecking Pedro Moura Calhan Mundy Keifer Nyron Taylor Tom Rout Fabrizio Matteini Jack W. Gregory Richard Tree Dora Rosie
Romance, Mystery, Drama
Country: no data
Year: 2019
A shy but ambitious film student falls into an intense, emotionally fraught relationship with a charismatic but untrustworthy older man.