Othello - 1951
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Updated: 18 Jul 2022
Orson Welles Orson Welles Orson Welles Alexandre Trauner Giorgio Papi William Shakespeare William Shakespeare Angelo Francesco Lavagnino Maria De Matteis Oberdan Troiani Harriet Medin Anchise Brizzi Luigi Scaccianoce Jean Sacha Jean Sacha Maurice Seiderman Renzo Lucidi Alberto Barberis Alberto Fusi Julien Derode G.R. Aldo George Fanto Jenö Csepreghy William Morton
Orson Welles Micheál MacLiammóir Robert Coote Suzanne Cloutier Hilton Edwards Nicholas Bruce Michael Laurence Fay Compton Doris Dowling Joan Fontaine Joseph Cotten Robert Rietti Gudrun Ure
Western, War, Thriller, TV Movie, Science Fiction, Romance, Mystery, Music, Horror, History, Fantasy, Family, Drama, Documentary, Crime, Comedy, Animation, Adventure, Action
Country: no data
Year: 1951
When a secret marriage is planned between Othello, a Moorish general, and Desdemona, the daughter of Senator Brabantio, her old suitor Roderigo takes it hard. He allies himself with Iago, who has his own grudge against Othello, and the two conspire to bring Othello down. When their first plan, to have him accused of witchcraft, fails, they plant evidence intended to make him believe Desdemona is unfaithful.