Movies from Alexander Medvedev

Markisinnan de Sade

Alexander Medvedev
Movies from Alexander Medvedev


Two characters on a Noh stage dramatize the rite of love and death of Lieutenant Shinji Takeyama and his wife Reiko.
Alexander Medvedev
Two characters on a Noh stage dramatize the rite of love and death of Lieutenant Shinji Takeyama and his wife Reiko.
Movies from Alexander Medvedev

Civil War

In the near future, a group of war journalists attempt to survive while reporting the truth as the United States stands on the brink of civil war.
Alexander Medvedev
In the near future, a group of war journalists attempt to survive while reporting the truth as the United States stands on the brink of civil war.
Movies from Alexander Medvedev

The Sweet East

A high school senior from South Carolina gets her first glimpse of the wider world, picturesque cities, and woods of the Eastern seaboard on a class trip to Washington, D.C.
Alexander Medvedev
A high school senior from South Carolina gets her first glimpse of the wider world, picturesque cities, and woods of the Eastern seaboard on a class trip to Washington, D.C.
Movies from Alexander Medvedev

October Vacation

The young actress Sveta graduated from the theater academy, lives in St. Petersburg and dreams of starring not in casual TV series, but in serious films and playing serious roles. She is lucky, she ends up in a Bollywood project, which brings together movie stars, the best DJs and choreographers of the country. But everything turns out to be not very simple. Nobody knows the script, the actors live in a small hotel for months and do not understand what is happening. It turns out that in addition to the main filming, the actors, DJ and choreographers are involved in a strange game.
Alexander Medvedev
The young actress Sveta graduated from the theater academy, lives in St. Petersburg and dreams of starring not in casual TV series, but in serious films and playing serious roles. She is lucky, she ends up in a Bollywood project, which brings together movie stars, the best DJs and choreographers of the country. But everything turns out to be not very simple. Nobody knows the script, the actors live in a small hotel for months and do not understand what is happening. It turns out that in addition to the main filming, the actors, DJ and choreographers are involved in a strange game.
Movies from Alexander Medvedev

My Life as a Dog

A boy, obsessed with comparing himself with those less fortunate, experiences a different life at the home of his aunt and uncle in 1959 Sweden.
Alexander Medvedev
A boy, obsessed with comparing himself with those less fortunate, experiences a different life at the home of his aunt and uncle in 1959 Sweden.
Movies from Alexander Medvedev

Dune: Part Two

The second and final chapter of ‘Dune’ (2021).
Alexander Medvedev
The second and final chapter of ‘Dune’ (2021).
Movies from Alexander Medvedev

We Were Once Kids

In the early nineties, before the massive gentrification of many of New York's then slums, several young people from very disparate backgrounds left their broken homes and ventured onto the brutal streets of the city. United by their love of skateboarding, they formed a family and built a unique lifestyle that eventually inspired Kids, a groundbreaking and outrageous film directed by photographer Larry Clark and released in 1995.
Alexander Medvedev
In the early nineties, before the massive gentrification of many of New York's then slums, several young people from very disparate backgrounds left their broken homes and ventured onto the brutal streets of the city. United by their love of skateboarding, they formed a family and built a unique lifestyle that eventually inspired Kids, a groundbreaking and outrageous film directed by photographer Larry Clark and released in 1995.
Movies from Alexander Medvedev

Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai

An African-American Mafia hit man who models himself after the samurai of old finds himself targeted for death by the mob. Jarmusch's spiritual gangster film tells the story of an inner-city hit man (Whitaker) who lives on a rooftop, training himself as a samurai in the strictest sense. He communicates primarily by carrier pigeon, while remaining loyal to a gangster (Tormey) who once saved his life.
Alexander Medvedev
An African-American Mafia hit man who models himself after the samurai of old finds himself targeted for death by the mob. Jarmusch's spiritual gangster film tells the story of an inner-city hit man (Whitaker) who lives on a rooftop, training himself as a samurai in the strictest sense. He communicates primarily by carrier pigeon, while remaining loyal to a gangster (Tormey) who once saved his life.
Movies from Alexander Medvedev

Perfect Days

Hirayama is content with his life as a toilet cleaner in Tokyo. Outside of his structured routine he cherishes music on cassette tapes, books, and taking photos of trees. Through unexpected encounters, he reflects on finding beauty in the world.
Alexander Medvedev
Hirayama is content with his life as a toilet cleaner in Tokyo. Outside of his structured routine he cherishes music on cassette tapes, books, and taking photos of trees. Through unexpected encounters, he reflects on finding beauty in the world.
Books from Alexander Medvedev

Хрустальный мир, В.Пелевин
Alexander Medvedev
Books from Alexander Medvedev

Страх вратаря перед одиннадцатиметровым, Петер Хандке

Alexander Medvedev
Он опустил голову, не собираясь ничего этим выразить. … На выгонах вдоль шоссе спали коровы. Отрицать это было бесполезно.
Books from Alexander Medvedev

Камо Грядеши, Генрик Сенкевич

Alexander Medvedev
Books from Alexander Medvedev

На мраморных утесах, Эрнст Юнгер

Alexander Medvedev
Очень часто, стоя вместе на зубце, мы размышляли, сколько же нужно сделать, прежде чем сжать урожай зерна и выпечь хлеб, и, пожалуй, для того, чтобы дух мог уверенно двигать крыльями
Books from Alexander Medvedev

Имя розы

Культовый постмодернистский роман — дебют знаменитого профессора семиотики и медиевиста Умберто Эко. «Имя Розы» притворяется детективом, изобилует историческими подробностями монастырского быта XIV века и скрывает многогранное философское содержание, спрятанное под плотной метафорикой из многочисленных символов и отсылок.
Alexander Medvedev
Культовый постмодернистский роман — дебют знаменитого профессора семиотики и медиевиста Умберто Эко. «Имя Розы» притворяется детективом, изобилует историческими подробностями монастырского быта XIV века и скрывает многогранное философское содержание, спрятанное под плотной метафорикой из многочисленных символов и отсылок.
Books from Alexander Medvedev

Oscar Wilde – "The Decay of Lying"

Alexander Medvedev
Books from Alexander Medvedev

Иоганн Вольфганг фон Гёте - Рейнеке-Лис (пер. М. Достоевского), 1865

Alexander Medvedev
Books from Alexander Medvedev

Жорис Гюисманс: Наоборот

Роман "Наоборот" (1884) - "Библия декаданса", "Коран декадента". Называли произведение Жориса Гюисманса по-разному, но неизменной оставалась сакральность для людей рубежа веков. Здесь все стало каноном - антигерой-денди Дез Эссент, разочарованный...
Alexander Medvedev
Роман "Наоборот" (1884) - "Библия декаданса", "Коран декадента". Называли произведение Жориса Гюисманса по-разному, но неизменной оставалась сакральность для людей рубежа веков. Здесь все стало каноном - антигерой-денди Дез Эссент, разочарованный...
Books from Alexander Medvedev

В сторону Сванна

Первый том самого знаменитого французского романа ХХ века вышел в свет сто лет назад - в ноябре 1913 года. Роман назывался "В сторону Сванна", и его автор Марсель Пруст тогда еще не подозревал, что его детище разрастется в цикл "В поисках...
Alexander Medvedev
Первый том самого знаменитого французского романа ХХ века вышел в свет сто лет назад - в ноябре 1913 года. Роман назывался "В сторону Сванна", и его автор Марсель Пруст тогда еще не подозревал, что его детище разрастется в цикл "В поисках...
Books from Alexander Medvedev

Князь Феликс Юсупов. Мемуары в двух книгах

Князь Феликс Феликсович Юсупов, граф Сумароков-Эльстон младший (1887-1967) - родовитый аристократ, семейство которого владело колоссальнейшим состоянием. Он учился в Пажеском корпусе и в Оксфорде, был бисексуалом и женился на племяннице Николая II....
Alexander Medvedev
Князь Феликс Феликсович Юсупов, граф Сумароков-Эльстон младший (1887-1967) - родовитый аристократ, семейство которого владело колоссальнейшим состоянием. Он учился в Пажеском корпусе и в Оксфорде, был бисексуалом и женился на племяннице Николая II....
TV Shows from Alexander Medvedev


A grifter in 1960s New York is hired to convince a wealthy man's son to return home from Italy and begins a life of deceit, fraud and murder.
Alexander Medvedev
A grifter in 1960s New York is hired to convince a wealthy man's son to return home from Italy and begins a life of deceit, fraud and murder.
TV Shows from Alexander Medvedev


In Japan in the year 1600, at the dawn of a century-defining civil war, Lord Yoshii Toranaga is fighting for his life as his enemies on the Council of Regents unite against him, when a mysterious European ship is found marooned in a nearby fishing village.
Alexander Medvedev
In Japan in the year 1600, at the dawn of a century-defining civil war, Lord Yoshii Toranaga is fighting for his life as his enemies on the Council of Regents unite against him, when a mysterious European ship is found marooned in a nearby fishing village.
TV Shows from Alexander Medvedev

Scavengers Reign

When a deep space freighter is damaged by a solar flare its surviving crew are stranded on a beautiful and unforgiving planet. They begin to learn the true nature of this planet as they try to survive long enough to escape or be rescued.
Alexander Medvedev
When a deep space freighter is damaged by a solar flare its surviving crew are stranded on a beautiful and unforgiving planet. They begin to learn the true nature of this planet as they try to survive long enough to escape or be rescued.
TV Shows from Alexander Medvedev

Nathan For You

Self-proclaimed business expert, writer, director and comedian Nathan Fielder helps real small businesses turn a profit with marketing tactics that no ordinary consultant would dare to attempt. From driving foot traffic to an off-the-strip souvenir shop by using Hollywood flair and a Johnny Depp impersonator, to creating a rebate that can only be redeemed by climbing a mountain, to founding a coffee shop called "Dumb Starbucks,” Nathan has always gone to the limit to make his ideas come to life. With his unorthodox approach to problem solving, Nathan’s genuine efforts to do good often draw the real people he encounters into an experience far beyond what they signed up for.
Alexander Medvedev
Self-proclaimed business expert, writer, director and comedian Nathan Fielder helps real small businesses turn a profit with marketing tactics that no ordinary consultant would dare to attempt. From driving foot traffic to an off-the-strip souvenir shop by using Hollywood flair and a Johnny Depp impersonator, to creating a rebate that can only be redeemed by climbing a mountain, to founding a coffee shop called "Dumb Starbucks,” Nathan has always gone to the limit to make his ideas come to life. With his unorthodox approach to problem solving, Nathan’s genuine efforts to do good often draw the real people he encounters into an experience far beyond what they signed up for.
TV Shows from Alexander Medvedev


A review of a movie, or a restaurant, or a car—or whatever else that typically falls under a critic's domain—is all well and good, and can even be helpful at times. But how can one find out about myriad other experiences that are never tackled in reviews? Enter Forrest MacNeil, a critic who goes beyond overviews of life's more-common subjects—way beyond—to satisfy the curiosity of others: The adrenaline rush of stealing; the danger of drug addiction; the delight of sleeping with a celebrity. MacNeil tries anything suggested by viewers of his TV show, then presents a 1-to-5-star review. But his unwavering commitment to experiencing intense adventures means he must deal with the unintended consequences of such a goal.
Alexander Medvedev
A review of a movie, or a restaurant, or a car—or whatever else that typically falls under a critic's domain—is all well and good, and can even be helpful at times. But how can one find out about myriad other experiences that are never tackled in reviews? Enter Forrest MacNeil, a critic who goes beyond overviews of life's more-common subjects—way beyond—to satisfy the curiosity of others: The adrenaline rush of stealing; the danger of drug addiction; the delight of sleeping with a celebrity. MacNeil tries anything suggested by viewers of his TV show, then presents a 1-to-5-star review. But his unwavering commitment to experiencing intense adventures means he must deal with the unintended consequences of such a goal.
TV Shows from Alexander Medvedev


В жизни инспектора пожарной службы Натальи Кустовой всё хорошо — каждая инспекция заканчивается серьезным кушем. Ради выгоды она не остановится ни перед чем: разденет даже родного брата и сестру. Кустова думает, что всё в жизни можно купить: солидных друзей, квартиру, одежду премиальных брендов и красивого бойфренда. Но ошибается… На плановом осмотре выясняется, что Наталье срочно нужна здоровая почка. У нее есть три месяца, чтобы найти донора. По иронии судьбы и по закону почку Наталье может отдать исключительно кровный родственник. Конечно, никто из них Наталье помогать не спешит. Девушке придется искать самые экстравагантные способы решить проблему.
Alexander Medvedev
В жизни инспектора пожарной службы Натальи Кустовой всё хорошо — каждая инспекция заканчивается серьезным кушем. Ради выгоды она не остановится ни перед чем: разденет даже родного брата и сестру. Кустова думает, что всё в жизни можно купить: солидных друзей, квартиру, одежду премиальных брендов и красивого бойфренда. Но ошибается… На плановом осмотре выясняется, что Наталье срочно нужна здоровая почка. У нее есть три месяца, чтобы найти донора. По иронии судьбы и по закону почку Наталье может отдать исключительно кровный родственник. Конечно, никто из них Наталье помогать не спешит. Девушке придется искать самые экстравагантные способы решить проблему.
TV Shows from Alexander Medvedev


Биография самого известного русского шансонье ХХ века. История артиста, покинувшего Россию 1919 года и вернувшегося в СССР 1943, в разгар Второй мировой. Вертинский жил, пел и был популярен в Константинополе, Париже, Берлине, Нью-Йорке, Лос-Анджелесе, Харбине, Шанхае и в Москве. Его любили прекрасные женщины, ему аплодировали королевские особы и воры. Он был человеком богемы, легким и весёлым. Однако эта картина, в первую очередь, о его доброте. Об умении не судить, а пожалеть, посочувствовать любому. И за это судьба одарила его огромным успехом и поздним семейным счастьем. Это история о том, как певчая птица, артист, легкомысленное существо может прожить жизнь, вызывающую и зависть, и уважение.
Alexander Medvedev
Биография самого известного русского шансонье ХХ века. История артиста, покинувшего Россию 1919 года и вернувшегося в СССР 1943, в разгар Второй мировой. Вертинский жил, пел и был популярен в Константинополе, Париже, Берлине, Нью-Йорке, Лос-Анджелесе, Харбине, Шанхае и в Москве. Его любили прекрасные женщины, ему аплодировали королевские особы и воры. Он был человеком богемы, легким и весёлым. Однако эта картина, в первую очередь, о его доброте. Об умении не судить, а пожалеть, посочувствовать любому. И за это судьба одарила его огромным успехом и поздним семейным счастьем. Это история о том, как певчая птица, артист, легкомысленное существо может прожить жизнь, вызывающую и зависть, и уважение.
TV Shows from Alexander Medvedev


With a construction crew, a legion of actors, and seemingly unlimited resources, Nathan Fielder allows ordinary people to prepare for life’s biggest moments by “rehearsing” them in carefully crafted simulations of his own design. When a single misstep could shatter your entire world, why leave life to chance?
Alexander Medvedev
With a construction crew, a legion of actors, and seemingly unlimited resources, Nathan Fielder allows ordinary people to prepare for life’s biggest moments by “rehearsing” them in carefully crafted simulations of his own design. When a single misstep could shatter your entire world, why leave life to chance?
TV Shows from Alexander Medvedev

The Century of the Self

The legacy of famed psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud informs the lives of people throughout the world even to this day, though it's a phenomenon to which most are unaware. The film is an exhaustive examination of his theories on human desire, and how they're applied to platforms such as advertising, consumerism and politics.
Alexander Medvedev
The legacy of famed psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud informs the lives of people throughout the world even to this day, though it's a phenomenon to which most are unaware. The film is an exhaustive examination of his theories on human desire, and how they're applied to platforms such as advertising, consumerism and politics.
TV Shows from Alexander Medvedev

Mr. Robot

A contemporary and culturally resonant drama about a young programmer, Elliot, who suffers from a debilitating anti-social disorder and decides that he can only connect to people by hacking them. He wields his skills as a weapon to protect the people that he cares about. Elliot will find himself in the intersection between a cybersecurity firm he works for and the underworld organizations that are recruiting him to bring down corporate America.
Alexander Medvedev
A contemporary and culturally resonant drama about a young programmer, Elliot, who suffers from a debilitating anti-social disorder and decides that he can only connect to people by hacking them. He wields his skills as a weapon to protect the people that he cares about. Elliot will find himself in the intersection between a cybersecurity firm he works for and the underworld organizations that are recruiting him to bring down corporate America.
Music from Alexander Medvedev

Winston Riley

Alexander Medvedev
Music from Alexander Medvedev


Alexander Medvedev
Music from Alexander Medvedev

Михаил Елизаров

Alexander Medvedev
Music from Alexander Medvedev


Alexander Medvedev
Music from Alexander Medvedev

Aphex Twin

Alexander Medvedev
Music from Alexander Medvedev

Show Me the Body

Alexander Medvedev
Music from Alexander Medvedev

Johann Sebastian Bach

Alexander Medvedev
Music from Alexander Medvedev

Bad Brains

Alexander Medvedev
Music from Alexander Medvedev


Alexander Medvedev
Music from Alexander Medvedev


Alexander Medvedev
Goods from Alexander Medvedev

Japanese Nakiri Knife - MIURA - Stainless SLD - Nasiji Finish - Pueple Zelkova wood handle -Size:16.5cm

Miura Knives Series offer a wide range of knives, from entry-level models that are easy to use for beginners to high-quality models used by professionals in their work, and products made by world top class craftsmen to provide the best knives for various needs. Please choose the best knife for your needs and preferences. The series includes knives from famous cutlery producing regions in Japan and the advanced series such as "Itadaki," "Obidama," and "Kuchinashi".
Alexander Medvedev
Miura Knives Series offer a wide range of knives, from entry-level models that are easy to use for beginners to high-quality models used by professionals in their work, and products made by world top class craftsmen to provide the best knives for various needs. Please choose the best knife for your needs and preferences. The series includes knives from famous cutlery producing regions in Japan and the advanced series such as "Itadaki," "Obidama," and "Kuchinashi".
Goods from Alexander Medvedev


Alexander Medvedev
Goods from Alexander Medvedev

Афганские ковры

Афганские ковры, известные также как Зиглер (Ziegler) или Чуби (Chobi), пожалуй, одни из самых распространенных в мире ковров. Их часто путают или называют пакистанскими коврами. Этим коврам характерна внешняя винтажность, достигнутая благодаря тонкому ворсу и растительным красителям. Афганские ковры подвергаются многократной мойке в горных реках, для придания блеска, характерного старинным коврам, а также нить перед окрашиванием завязывают в узлы, чтобы она окрасилась неравномерно.
Alexander Medvedev
Афганские ковры, известные также как Зиглер (Ziegler) или Чуби (Chobi), пожалуй, одни из самых распространенных в мире ковров. Их часто путают или называют пакистанскими коврами. Этим коврам характерна внешняя винтажность, достигнутая благодаря тонкому ворсу и растительным красителям. Афганские ковры подвергаются многократной мойке в горных реках, для придания блеска, характерного старинным коврам, а также нить перед окрашиванием завязывают в узлы, чтобы она окрасилась неравномерно.
Goods from Alexander Medvedev

Алоэ Вера Барбаденсис (Aloe vera barbadensis)

4'687₽. Высота растения: 70см., Ширина кроны: ≈ 40см., Диаметр/Высота горшка: 19/17см., Вес: ≈ 3.4кг. Nieuwkoop Europe (Нидерланды). Купить в интернет-магазине с доставкой по Москве, Московской области и в регионы России.
Alexander Medvedev
4'687₽. Высота растения: 70см., Ширина кроны: ≈ 40см., Диаметр/Высота горшка: 19/17см., Вес: ≈ 3.4кг. Nieuwkoop Europe (Нидерланды). Купить в интернет-магазине с доставкой по Москве, Московской области и в регионы России.
Goods from Alexander Medvedev

СТЕНА / запах + книга

Специальный набор: флакон аромата СТЕНА и экземпляр книги «Der Klang Der Familie. Берлин, техно и падение стены». Ограниченная серия, 30 штук.
Alexander Medvedev
Специальный набор: флакон аромата СТЕНА и экземпляр книги «Der Klang Der Familie. Берлин, техно и падение стены». Ограниченная серия, 30 штук.
Goods from Alexander Medvedev

Original Mauerstück / Stein der Berliner Mauer

Das beliebteste Souvenir Deutschlands - ein original Stück der Berliner Mauer in verschiedene Größen, eingefasst in Acrylbögen - tolle Erinnerung an Berlin.
Alexander Medvedev
Das beliebteste Souvenir Deutschlands - ein original Stück der Berliner Mauer in verschiedene Größen, eingefasst in Acrylbögen - tolle Erinnerung an Berlin.
Goods from Alexander Medvedev

Roland - SP-404SX | Фразовый сэмплер

SP-404SX: Фразовый сэмплер -
Alexander Medvedev
SP-404SX: Фразовый сэмплер -
Goods from Alexander Medvedev


Alexander Medvedev
Goods from Alexander Medvedev

There Is No Greater Pocket Knife Than the Humble Douk-Douk

Affordability, superior craftsmanship and a history of blood
Alexander Medvedev
Affordability, superior craftsmanship and a history of blood
Goods from Alexander Medvedev

Playdate. Pre-order now!

It’s yellow. It fits in your pocket. There’s a crank. It comes with 24 free games to get you started. Say hi to Playdate from Panic.
Alexander Medvedev
It’s yellow. It fits in your pocket. There’s a crank. It comes with 24 free games to get you started. Say hi to Playdate from Panic.