1984, Sverdlovsk, USSR. A shy freshman, an entrepreneur, a poet and two charming it-girls navigate life in a student dorm, sharing their griefs and joys, all for one and one for all. Suddenly a horrible accident blows up the life of the dorm when a female student commits suicide. The dorm is a miniature model of the world that encapsulates the full range of human passions, acts of bravery and cowardice, aspirations for virtue and failures, of love, friendship and betrayal.
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В центрі історії - Микола, що живе на півночі, який разом з батьком побудував будинок і майстерню. Але його нормальне життя руйнується під впливом долі.
Географ глобус пропил
Віктор Служкін - біолог за освітою, але змушений працювати простим вчителем географії в пермської школі. Він то бореться, то дружить з учнями, конфліктує з керівництвом школи, веде старшокласників у похід. А ще п'є з друзями вино, намагається налагодити відносини з дружиною і водить в садок доньку. він просто живе ...
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The students of 11th "A" grade will never forget their prom. And so their parents.
The story of the journey of an adult hero to his Bata, a stern Russian peasant who became a father at the dawn of the nineties and raised his son the way all Soviet people did.
Корпорация Ad Libitum
The talented and practical journalist German Krylov, in pursuit of sensation, finds himself in a company that sells a feeling of love. Unexpectedly for himself, he becomes the object of manipulation and falls into a trap from which it is difficult to get out.
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Story starts with a summer fling between a provincial guy and a big-city girl. The holiday is over, the beauty returns to the city and receives a marriage proposal from a rich admirer. The provincial boy comes back being unable to let her go. Things get messy when their passion oversteps all the limits. Soon contemporary Romeo and Juliet get confused about what is really important turning into consuming 'Locust': overwhelming love they have leads them to commit brutal murders.
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