Фільми від Григорий Артемьев


24 червня 2024
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Фільми від Григорий Артемьев

Полеты во сне и наяву

On the eve of his fortieth anniversary Sergei Makarov looks back at his life and learns that he has achieved nothing. He was not able to be happy and to bring happiness to the closest people in his life, neither to his long-suffering wife nor young mistress nor friends nor work... It is about the men who never grew up and could not find themselves in the time of stagnation – gifted, charming, but infantile and lost, they never were able to realize themselves...
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Фільми від Григорий Артемьев


In search of inspiration and new topics, the famous metropolitan writer Kim Yesenin goes to the province. Unexpectedly for himself, he discovers that here people live very differently than in the world familiar to him. By chance, he witnesses someone else's love drama - dissident Andrei and intellectual Sasha, who is leaving for America. He is shocked by this complex conflict and fictitious problems, where there is no place for either melancholy or depression. In this situation, the hero decides to go to Moscow...
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Фільми від Григорий Артемьев


Professor Sretenski is a scientist and director of a research center in Russia. He is separated from his wife and lives alone. His daughter, who lives with the mother, comes to his home and stays with him for a period, leaving her daughter with him. He raises his granddaughter, feeling a great affection for her.
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Фільми від Григорий Артемьев

Самая обаятельная и привлекательная

Nadya Klyueva is a single woman. Persuaded by her friend, she decides to charm her co-worker whom she doesn't really love, but who is the most popular man around.
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Фільми від Григорий Артемьев

Белорусский вокзал

The heroes of the movie last seen each other on the Belarusian railway station in the summer of 1945. A quarter-century, they meet at the funeral of comrade.
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Фільми від Григорий Артемьев

Осенний марафон

Andrey Pavlovich Buzykin, who makes a living by teaching at an institute and translating English literature, is cheating on his wife. Buzykin's main problem is that he's a kind man with a weak character. The lies he is telling his wife all the time are inconvincing, but he never has the courage to tell her the truth. His lover, Alla, is aware of his family life, but gets offended when, for example, he cannot meet her so that he doesn't come home late, or when he doesn't want to go home in a new jacket she gives him to avoid having to explain to his wife. Alla and Nina, Andrei's wife, both leave him, forgive him, and return to him at the same time, and Andrei continues with this kind of life, full of suffering and deceit. Finally, both women are so fed up with his lies that they don't believe him even when he is telling the truth...
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Фільми від Григорий Артемьев


In this gentle comedy, an unpopular resident in a Russian village has his life completely changed when he announces, entirely on a whim and just to upset things a bit, that he's moving to the Pacific coast.
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Фільми від Григорий Артемьев

Долгая счастливая жизнь

A young man and woman meet by chance and experience a night and a morning together. One of the truest and realistic depiction of Russian romance and life.
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Фільми від Григорий Артемьев


Ivan Mirosnikov, a cheeky young man in the Gorbachev era, is trying to figure out what to do with his life (he's not in college, and the 2-year mandatory military service is looming large ahead of him). Meanwhile, he lives with his divorced mother, and works as a courier at a Russian newspaper. Through his job, he meets patronizing Professor Kuznetzov and his rebellious daughter Katya. To annoy the professor, Ivan claims to have an affair with Katya. To his surprise, Katya backs his story up.
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Фільми від Григорий Артемьев

Я шагаю по Москве

"I Am Walking Along Moscow" aka "Ya Shagayu Po Moskve" (1963) is a charming lyrical comedy directed by Georgi Daneliya in 1963 that was nominated for Golden Palm at Cannes Film Festival. Daneliya proved that it is possible to create a masterpiece in the most difficult genre of romantic comedy. Made by the team of young and incredibly talented artists that besides Daneliya included writer/poet Gennady Shpalikov, composer Andrei Petrov, and cinematographer Vadim Yusov (who had made four films with Andrei Tarkovski), and the dream cast of the talented actors even in the smaller cameos, "I Am Walking Along Moscow" keeps walking victoriously through the decades remaining deservingly one of the best and most beloved Russian comedies and simply one of the best Russian movies ever made. Funny and gentle, dreamy and humorous, romantic and realistic, the film is blessed with the eternal youth and will always take to the walk on the streets of Moscow new generations of the grateful viewers.
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Фільми від Григорий Артемьев

Весна на Заречной улице

Молода вчителька Таня починає працювати у школі робітничої молоді. Проте звикнути до дорослих учнів їй непросто. Особливо її допікає своїми залицяннями тамтешній донжуан Сашко Савченко. Таня уникає наполегливого кавалера, який зрештою кидає навчання. Доки Таня прилаштовувалася до нового місця та давала раду своїм почуттям, прийшла весна — час іспитів.
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Фільми від Григорий Артемьев

Мне двадцать лет

Having returned from the army, 20-year-old Sergei settles down at the thermal power station and merges into ordinary life. Every day he meets and spends time with childhood friends — the young family man Slava and the merry fellow Nikolai, and once at first sight he falls in love with a stranger on the bus. A lyrical story about a generation of young people entering adulthood, a reappraisal of values, life principles, traditions in culture and art.
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Фільми від Григорий Артемьев

Короткие встречи

Country girl Nadia moves to the city and becomes a maid in Valya's apartment. Valya, who is a member of the local District Committee, does not know that Nadia fell in love with her currently absent husband, a geologist named Maksim, when he had visited Nadia's village during a recent expedition.
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Фільми від Григорий Артемьев

Неоконченная пьеса для механического пианино

At the dilapidated country estate of Anna Petrovna Voinitseva, a group of feckless Russian aristocrats whiles away a summer afternoon. Unbeknownst to their respective spouses, local schoolteacher Platonov and the wife of Anna's stepson, Sophia, are former lovers whose meeting revives both passion and regret. Thrilled to see each other, they are nevertheless haunted by the loss of their youthful ideals.
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Фільми від Григорий Артемьев


One of the most popular movies tells, in an ironic manner, about complicated relationships between close people. Among the film’s achievements is not only splendid acting, but also the fact that “Kinfolk” remains as contemporary and topical as before. The relations between a son-in-law and a mother-in-law are as everlasting a theme as love itself. Especially when the role of the son-in-law Stasik is brilliantly played by Yuri Bogatyryov, and that of the mother-in-law by the incomparable Nonna Mordyukova. Marusya Konovalova, a kind, simple-hearted country woman, comes to Moscow to visit her only daughter (Svetlana Kryuchkova) and tries to help “glue together” her broken-up family. Acting with best intentions, she cannot understand why her interference provokes a stormy protest… Ruscico.com
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Фільми від Григорий Артемьев

Иваново детство

Поетична подорож крізь тіні розореного війною дитинства хлопчика.
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Фільми від Григорий Артемьев


Герой картини болісно боїться втратити любов і розуміння близьких людей: матері, коханої жінки, сина. І відчуває, що життя з кожним днем все далі відводить їх один від одного. Намагаючись зберегти сім'ю, він звертається пам’яттю до найсильніших вражень свого дитинства, намагаючись у тому, дитячому, світосприйнятті знайти опору і виправдання своїм сьогоднішнім переживанням.
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Фільми від Григорий Артемьев


На космічну станцію, співпрацівники якої давно і марно намагаються зрозуміти загадки планети Соляріс, покритої Океаном, прибуває новий мешканець, психолог Кріс Кельвін, щоб розібратися в дивних повідомленнях, що поступають із станції, і "закрити" її разом зі всією безплідною "соляристикою". Спочатку йому здається, що ті вчені, що вціліли на станції з'їхали з глузду. Потім він і сам стає жертвою страшного марення: йому з'являється його колишня кохана Харі, що колись покінчила з собою на Землі.
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Фільми від Григорий Артемьев


Фільм за мотивами повісті братів Стругацьких "Пікнік на узбіччі". Дії відбуваються в деякій забороненій Зоні, де, згідно чуток, існує кімната, де виконуються найзаповітніші мрії. До цієї кімнаті відправляються модний Письменник та авторитетний Професор - кожен зі своєю ціллю, про яку намагаються не говорити. А веде їх туди Сталкер - провідник по Зоні - чи то юродивий, чи то апостол нової віри...
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Фільми від Григорий Артемьев

Когда деревья были большими

The story of a man who routinely dodges all responsibility, bemoans fate, spends his days boozing, and refuses to work. The act of playing long-lost father to a pretty teenager spurs him to turn over a new leaf.
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Фільми від Григорий Артемьев

Дело было в Пенькове

Tractor driver Matvey Morozov returns to his native village from the prison. And he recalls the story of his marriage, his fatal love, failed betrayal and committed reckless “crime”, in which he doesn't repent at all.
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Фільми від Григорий Артемьев


An automotive highway is scheduled to be built through the territory of a garage cooperative. A special meeting of the cooperative takes place to reduce the number of garages. As all was already decided and arranged by the chairholder and the board, the decision passes easily at the meeting. But one unexpected event happens - the meeting room's entrance has been locked by an anonymous member and the key is missing...
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Фільми від Григорий Артемьев

Три тополя на Плющихе

A married woman fresh from the countryside meets a charming cab driver on her first day in Moscow. They spend the day together and their fondness for each other grows...
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Фільми від Григорий Артемьев

Калина Красная

A thief named Egor, having served a term in prison, goes to the country to meet his pen-friend Lyuba, a kind genial village woman. Egor comes to love Lyuba sincerely. Now he has friends, work and a beloved woman, he decides to break with his criminal past and start a new life. However, his former criminal associates interfere brutally.
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