Кошачий суп
The surreal black comedy follows Nyatta, an anthropomorphic kitten, on his travel to the land of the dead and back in an effort to save his sister's soul.
Ночь на Галактической железной дороге
Giovanni currently lives a dreary life of near non-stop work. At school, his peers ridicule him incessantly, and his employer at work is distant and cold. As his isolation from society becomes unbearable, he suddenly finds himself on a train heading far away from his miserable home. Accompanied by Campanella, an acquaintance from school, Giovanni embarks on a journey that will define the rest of his life.
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«Жизнь Будори Гуско» (Gusukô Budori no denki, 2012)
Жизнь Будори Гуско (2012) – Gusukô Budori no denki – Всё о фильме: даты выхода, актеры, трейлеры, фото. Отзывы зрителей и профессиональные рецензии. Рейтинг. Интересные факты и ошибки в фильме.
Весна и хаос
Set in the beginning of the 20th century Japan, the film follows the bright and eccentric Kenji from his late student years through his adulthood. Kenji suffers the tragedy of being an artist who's art isn't recognized during his lifetime. Based on the life of the author Kenji Miyazawa, the film depicts his brief but intense existence.
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