악마가 너의 이름을 부를 때 | 2019
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악마가 너의 이름을 부를 때

Оновлено: 18 липня 2022
Min Jin-gi Noh Hye-young
Jung Kyung-ho Park Sung-woong Lee Seol Lee El Kim Won-hae Oh Eui-Sik Yoon Kyung-ho Son Ji-hyun Song Kang Choi Yoo-song
Країна: даних немає
Рік: 2019
악마가 너의 이름을 부를 때 | 2019
Переглянути тут
Music producer and composer Ha Rib made a contract with the devil to trade his soul for fame. This devilish transaction brought him all the fame he could ask for, producing many hit songs. As the contract expiration draws near, he bargains with the devil for an extension. For that, he must find another person to sell the soul. Ha Rib finds a perfect candidate, but contemplates because she would have to suffer for 10 years for his selfish fame.