愛上哥們 | 2015
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Оновлено: 18 липня 2022
Chen Rong Hui Ping Chen
Bii Mandy Tao Katie Chen Lee Shao Xiang Baron Chen Megan Lai
Мелодрама, Драма
Країна: даних немає
Рік: 2015
愛上哥們 | 2015
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Could anyone be more excited to reach her 25th birthday? Pi Ya Nuo had an inauspicious start to her life. Doomed to live her life as a boy, Ya Nuo is shy and always tries to keep her distance to people to hide her true identity, and the mysterious aloofness makes her irresistible to the girls around her. With her 26th birthday fast approaching, will Ya Nuo find her much-anticipated return to being a female will be as easy as she had hoped?