Giraffada - 2013
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Оновлено: 18 липня 2022
Rani Massalha Rani Massalha Xavier Nemo
Mohamad Bakri Saleh Bakri Ahmad Bayatra Roschdy Zem
Вестерн, Військовий, Трилер, Телефільм, Фантастика, Мелодрама, Детектив, Музика, Жахи, Історичний, Фентезі, Сімейний, Драма, Документальний, Кримінал, Комедія, Мультфільм, Пригоди, Бойовик
Країна: даних немає
Рік: 2013
Giraffada - 2013
Переглянути тут
Yacine is the veterinarian of the only zoo remaining in the Palestinian West Bank. He lives alone with his 10-year old son, Ziad. The kid has a special bond with the two giraffes in the zoo. He seems to be the only one to communicate with them. After an air raid in the region the male giraffe dies. His mate, Rita, won’t survive unless the veterinarian finds her a new companion. The only zoo that might provide this animal is located in Tel Aviv ...