The Moth Diaries - 2011
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The Moth Diaries

Оновлено: 18 липня 2022
Andrew Marcus Kerry Barden Declan Quinn Zygi Kamasa Mary Harron Mary Harron Paul Schnee Sylvain Gingras Lesley Barber David Collins Norton Herrick Jon Katz Nicoletta Massone Rosina Bucci Rachel Klein Sandra Cunningham Jean-François Doray Karine Martin Louis-Simon Ménard Ronald Gilbert Camille Parent Lorette Leblanc
Sarah Bolger Lily Cole Sarah Gadon Scott Speedman Anne Day-Jones Judy Parfitt Valerie Tian Melissa Farman Deena Aziz Zina Anaplioti
Країна: даних немає
Рік: 2011
The Moth Diaries - 2011
Переглянути тут
Rebecca is suspicious of Ernessa, the new arrival at her boarding school. But is Rebecca just jealous of Ernessa's bond with Lucie, or does the new girl truly possess a dark secret?