Vildheks - 2018
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Оновлено: 18 липня 2022
Kaspar Munk Lene Kaaberbøl
Gerda Lie Kaas Sonja Richter Signe Egholm Olsen Vera Mi Fernandez Bachmann Albert Werner Rønhard May Simón Lifschitz Henrik Mestad Vera Torpp Larsson Elvira Glahn Marie Lund Asholt Peder Holm Johansen Kirsten Olesen Martin Hylander Brücker Emma Karla Munk Henriksen
Фентезі, Сімейний
Країна: даних немає
Рік: 2018
Vildheks - 2018
Переглянути тут
12-year-old Clara is just like any other girl, until one day a mysterious black cat scratches her. Clara soon discovers that she can communicate with the cat and that she belongs to a family of Wild Witches with a strong connection to nature and animals. It turns out that Clara is a very special Wild Witch and that her blood can set free the ancient and evil witch, Bravita Bloodyoung.