Jørgen + Anne = sant - 2011
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Jørgen + Anne = sant

Оновлено: 18 липня 2022
Kamilla Krogsveen Anne Sewitsky
Maria Annette Tanderød Berglyd Otto Garli Aurora Bach Rodal Vilde Fredriksen Verlo Kristin Langsrud Peder Holene Sigurd Sæthereng Torkil Høeg Adrian Holte Kristiansen Anna Jahr Svalheim Emir Mulaosmanovic Randolf Walderhaug Silje Breivik Terje Ranes Birgitte Victoria Svendsen Tone Beate Mostraum Ole Johan Skjelbred Markus Tønseth
Сімейний, Драма, Бойовик
Країна: даних немає
Рік: 2011
Jørgen + Anne = sant - 2011
Переглянути тут
When the new boy in class, Jørgen, moves into the haunted house down the road Anne’s world turns upside-down; she falls head over heals in love with him. All the girls in Anne’s class fall for Jørgen as well, including beautiful blonde pony-tailed Ellen. But that is of no hindrance to Anne; she is willing to go further than anyone to win him over. When done in the name of love, everything is allowed…isn’t it?