Three Identical Strangers - 2018
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Three Identical Strangers

Оновлено: 18 липня 2022
Michael Harte Tim Cragg Dimitri Doganis Amy Entelis Courtney Sexton Sara Ramsden Adam Hawkins Tom Barry Grace Hughes-Hallett Becky Read Dawn Thompson Nas Parkash Merce Williams Kim Tae Hak Chad Orororo Heather Hollett French Tim Wardle Paul Saunderson Louise Dew
David Kellman Robert Shafran Eddy Galland Lawrence Wright
Країна: даних немає
Рік: 2018
Three Identical Strangers - 2018
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New York, 1980. Three complete strangers accidentally discover that they're identical triplets, separated at birth. The 19-year-olds' joyous reunion catapults them to international fame, but also unlocks an extraordinary and disturbing secret that goes beyond their own lives – and could transform our understanding of human nature forever.