Life-Size - 2000
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Оновлено: 18 липня 2022
Maya Mani Eric Colvin Candice Elzinga Fitch Cady Bonnie Koehler Mark Rosman Mark Rosman Bette Chadwick Philip Linzey Stephanie Moore
Lindsay Lohan Tyra Banks Jere Burns Anne Marie DeLuise Garwin Sanford Tom Butler Jillian Fargey Katelyn Wallace Shaina Tianne Unger
Телефільм, Фентезі, Сімейний, Комедія
Країна: даних немає
Рік: 2000
Life-Size - 2000
Переглянути тут
After her mom's death, Casey pulls away from everyone in her life, including her emotionally distant dad. With help from a magic spell, she tries to bring her mother back from the dead; instead, Casey's words accidentally awaken one of her least favorite toys: a statuesque Barbie clone named Eve. Things get worse when Casey's dad develops a crush on his daughter's living doll.