Les Misérables - 2019
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Les Misérables

Оновлено: 18 липня 2022
Giordano Gederlini Ladj Ly Ladj Ly Marco Casanova Julien Poupard Richard Deusy Laurène Ladoge Alexis Manenti Flora Volpelière Arnaud Lavaleix Guillaume Guerry Karim Lagati Jerôme Gonthier Arthur Guerrand Marine Galliano Matthieu Autin
Damien Bonnard Alexis Manenti Djibril Zonga Steve Tientcheu Jeanne Balibar Issa Perica Al-Hassan Ly Almamy Kanoute Nizar Ben Fatma Raymond Lopez Luciano Lopez Jaihson Lopez Sana Joachaim Lucas Omiri Rocco Lopez
Драма, Кримінал
Країна: даних немає
Рік: 2019
Les Misérables - 2019
Переглянути тут
Inspired by the 2005 riots in Paris, Stéphane, a recent transplant to the impoverished suburb of Montfermeil, joins the local anti-crime squad. Working alongside his unscrupulous colleagues Chris and Gwada, Stéphane struggles to maintain order amidst the mounting tensions between local gangs. When an arrest turns unexpectedly violent, the three officers must reckon with the aftermath and keep the neighborhood from spiraling out of control.