The Missing Woman - 2016
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The Missing Woman

Оновлено: 18 липня 2022
Hagen Bogdanski Horst Sczerba Horst Sczerba
Corinna Harfouch Jörg Hartmann Ulrich Matthes David Bredin Lorna Ishema Annette Blum Felix Goeser Erich Krieg David Scheller Chris Theisinger Leon Ullrich Sascha von Hinrichs André Ebert Fritz Roth Errol Shaker Maverick Queck
Вестерн, Військовий, Трилер, Телефільм, Фантастика, Мелодрама, Детектив, Музика, Жахи, Історичний, Фентезі, Сімейний, Драма, Документальний, Кримінал, Комедія, Мультфільм, Пригоди, Бойовик
Країна: даних немає
Рік: 2016
The Missing Woman - 2016
Переглянути тут
An award-winning performer trio and a sophisticated story characterize the thrilling TV thriller "The Missing Woman". From the naive betrayed to the tough revenge angel Corinna Harfouch turns into the lead role. At her side, Ulrich Matthes silently plays a professional killer, who does not look at the cards. Never laying an excuse, is the Dortmund crime scene commissar Jörg Hartmann in the role of a shameless swindler. Because all three want to cash in on the life insurance, begins a game of fraud and extortion, in which also the red light milieu interferes.