Пугало - 2021
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Оновлено: 18 липня 2022
Dmitry Davydov Dmitry Davydov Dmitry Davydov Ivan Semenov Stepan Burnashev Sergey Yarmonov Sergey Yarmonov Tamara Ivanova
Valentina Romanova-Chyskyyray Anatoly Struchkov Artur Zakharov Anilena Guryeva
Вестерн, Військовий, Трилер, Телефільм, Фантастика, Мелодрама, Детектив, Музика, Жахи, Історичний, Фентезі, Сімейний, Драма, Документальний, Кримінал, Комедія, Мультфільм, Пригоди, Бойовик
Країна: даних немає
Рік: 2021
Пугало - 2021
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She is a healer. A hermit. A Fool-in-God. She is a little over forty years old. She doesn’t disdain alcohol. She can be ridiculous, humiliated, offended. She has long been indifferent about herself. Everybody avoids her and is afraid of her, but secretly at night they all hurry to her home. After all, only she can get rid of their illnesses. For her, this is a damnation, and each time she swears that she won’t help people any more, but each time she is unable to refuse them. She knows that her gift will ruin her some time, but she continues to be the only chance of salvation for people.