Half Nelson - 2006
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Half Nelson

Оновлено: 18 липня 2022
Broken Social Scene Paul S. Mezey Ryan Fleck Ryan Fleck Anna Boden Anna Boden Anna Boden Anna Boden Charles Corwin Doug Dey Hunter Gray Lynette Howell Taylor Rosanne Korenberg Scott London Clara Markowicz Alex Orlovsky Jamie Patricof Jeremy Kipp Walker Eyde Belasco Andrij Parekh
Ryan Gosling Shareeka Epps Anthony Mackie Jeff Lima Monique Gabriela Curnen Tina Holmes Nathan Corbett Tyra Kwao-Vovo Rosemary Ledee Tristan Mack Wilds Bryce Silver Kaela C. Pabon Erica Rivera Stephanie Bast Eleanor Hutchins Sebastian Sozzi Karen Chilton Starla Benford Denis O'Hare Deidre Goodwin Collins Pennie Deborah Rush Jay O. Sanders David Easton Nicole Vicius Raymond Anthony Thomas Ron Cephas Jones Christopher Williamson Leslie Eva Glaser Sharon Washington Matt Kerr Adepero Oduye Thaddeus Daniels Susan Kerner Stanton Davis Katie Nehra Steve Kursh
Вестерн, Військовий, Трилер, Телефільм, Фантастика, Мелодрама, Детектив, Музика, Жахи, Історичний, Фентезі, Сімейний, Драма, Документальний, Кримінал, Комедія, Мультфільм, Пригоди, Бойовик
Країна: даних немає
Рік: 2006
Half Nelson - 2006
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Despite his dedication to the junior-high students who fill his classroom, idealistic teacher Dan Dunne leads a secret life of addiction that the majority of his students will never know. But things change when a troubled student Drey makes a startling discovery of his secret life, causing a tenuous bond between the two that could either end disastrously or provide a catalyst of hope.