Фильмы от Glenn Beck


Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
I'm thrilled to have #Faithkeepers premiere tonight on @theblaze. This is a really important film from the @clarionproject.
Фильмы от Glenn Beck

Несломленный: Путь к искуплению

Луи Замперини, спортсмен и герой войны, попавший в плен к японцам, возвращается в Калифорнию, где его ждет борьба с посттравматическим синдромом. Героя преследуют ночные кошмары, обуревает ярость, горечь и сильная депрессия. Жена убеждает его присоединиться к евангелизационной кампанию Билли Грэма.
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
Last night Tania and I saw @UnbrokenFilm. You will not only lose yourself in this Quiet, simple, and inspiring movie, but you just may find yourself as well. This is the movie who’s hope will stay with you for days. See Unbroken and once again BELIEVE.
Фильмы от Glenn Beck


Готэм, начало 1980-х годов. Комик Артур Флек живёт с больной матерью, которая с детства учит его «ходить с улыбкой». Пытаясь нести в мир хорошее и дарить людям радость, Артур сталкивается с человеческой жестокостью и постепенно приходит к выводу, что этот мир получит от него не добрую улыбку, а ухмылку злодея Джокера.
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
5) important film. If not #JokerFilm will still remain a great movie. I cannot give it enough stars and an Oscar is too small for #JoaquinPhoenix. His ability to capture the madness and frankly the profound sadness will go down as one of the best performances ever on film...
Фильмы от Glenn Beck


Фильм расскажет историю чудесного спасения более трехсот тысяч солдат в ходе Дюнкеркской операции, имевшей место в начале Второй мировой войны. События начинаются со сцен окружения сотен тысяч британских и союзных войск силами противника. Пойманные в ловушку на пляже и находясь спиной к морю, они сталкиваются лицом к лицу с неразрешимой ситуацией, тем временем как тиски противника закрываются все ближе и ближе.
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
Gorgeous, Gripping ‘Dunkirk’ Is This Summer’s Most Surprising Movie
Фильмы от Glenn Beck


Простой американский ребенок пытается сделать невозможное – он хочет, чтобы его отец вернулся со Второй Мировой войны.
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
We saw #littleboy again tonight. We cried at the end ... Again. Tania loves this movie as much as I...
Фильмы от Glenn Beck


1914 год. Первая Мировая война набирает обороты. Великая Османская империя терпит крах, а Константинополь на глазах погружается в хаос. Студент-медик Микаэль Богосян в городе проездом. Он намерен развивать современную медицину в родной деревне на юге Турции, где турецкие мусульмане и армянские христиане веками мирно живут бок о бок. Фотокорреспондента Криса Майерса в Константинополь привела не столько работа, сколько пламенное чувство к армянской художнице Ане. Микаэль также очарован Аной, но соперничество между мужчинами сходит на нет, когда Империя начинает жестоко преследовать национальные меньшинства. Обещания даются и нарушаются… Но одно нельзя не сдержать — обещание выжить и поведать миру правдивую историю.
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
This weekend: THE PROMISE. A must see movie. Christian Bale. A movie Turkey tried to shut down for decades. Brave & brilliant.
Фильмы от Glenn Beck


После терактов 11 сентября агенты ЦРУ и команда спецназа США отправляются в Афганистан, где они объединяются с генералом Абдулом Рашидом Дустумом для борьбы с талибами.
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
Just finished #12Strong. Epic. It is always overwhelming to see what our troops do for us. This battle is considered by Al Qada their worst defeat. It is hard to even imagine 12 vs 15,000.
Фильмы от Glenn Beck


В результате странного инцидента старшеклассница оказывается в теле жестокого серийного убийцы. У неё есть меньше 24 часов, чтобы всё исправить, после чего ситуацию будет уже не обратить.
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
By the way Vince Vaughn is brilliant in the new @jason_blum movie #freaky. Very funny, just enough jump to still be a thrilling horror movie, but clever & well done.
Фильмы от Glenn Beck


Марго и Тайлер едут на отдаленный остров, чтобы попасть на ужин в эксклюзивный ресторан, где шеф-повар Словик приготовил роскошное меню с некоторыми шокирующими сюрпризами.
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
@TheMenuFilm is a very good movie. But what it says about the elite ruling and social class is worth more than the ticket price. You witness what comes after the world slips into madness and the terror-filled return of eternal truth.
Фильмы от Glenn Beck


Джейк Салли — бывший морской пехотинец, прикованный к инвалидному креслу. Несмотря на немощное тело, Джейк в душе по-прежнему остаётся воином. Он получает задание совершить путешествие в несколько световых лет к базе землян на планете Пандора, где корпорации добывают редкий минерал, имеющий огромное значение для выхода Земли из энергетического кризиса.
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
Honest question: Can ANYONE remember a single line or character from Avatar? This is the biggest movie of all time, and I've never even seen a meme of it.
Книги от Glenn Beck

Los Angeles Is Hideous

Comedian Andrew Heaton's scathing poetry collection about the greater Los Angeles necroplex
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
There's a reason @MightyHeaton titled his new book, "Los Angeles is Hideous: Poems About An Ugly City." It's pretty self-explanatory.
Книги от Glenn Beck

American Marxism

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER The seven-time #1 New York Times bestselling author, Fox News star, and radio host Mark R. Levin explains how the dangers he warned against in the “timely yet timeless” (David Limbaugh, author of Jesus Is Risen) bestseller Liberty and Tyranny have come to pass. In 2009, Mark R. Levin galvanized conservatives with his unforgettable manifesto Liberty and Tyranny, by providing a philosophical, historical, and practical framework for halting the liberal assault on Constitution-based values. That book was about standing at the precipice of progressivism’s threat to our freedom and now, over a decade later, we’re fully over that precipice and paying the price. In American Marxism, Levin explains how the core elements of Marxist ideology are now pervasive in American society and culture—from our schools, the press, and corporations, to Hollywood, the Democratic Party, and the Biden presidency—and how it is often cloaked in deceptive labels like “progressivism,” “democratic socialism,” “social activism,” and more. With his characteristic trenchant analysis, Levin digs into the psychology and tactics of these movements, the widespread brainwashing of students, the anti-American purposes of Critical Race Theory and the Green New Deal, and the escalation of repression and censorship to silence opposing voices and enforce conformity. Levin exposes many of the institutions, intellectuals, scholars, and activists who are leading this revolution, and provides us with some answers and ideas on how to confront them. As Levin writes: “The counter-revolution to the American Revolution is in full force. And it can no longer be dismissed or ignored for it is devouring our society and culture, swirling around our everyday lives, and ubiquitous in our politics, schools, media, and entertainment.” And, like before, Levin seeks to rally the American people to defend their liberty.
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
Once again @marklevinshow has the number one book in the nation. A must read!
Книги от Glenn Beck

Project Hail Mary

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the author of The Martian, a lone astronaut must save the earth from disaster in this “propulsive” (Entertainment Weekly), cinematic thriller full of suspense, humor, and fascinating science—in development as a major motion picture starring Ryan Gosling.ONE OF THE YEAR’S BEST BOOKS: Bill Gates, GatesNotes, New York Public Library, Kirkus Reviews, Library Journal • “An epic story of redemption, discovery and cool speculative sci-fi.”—USA Today“If you loved The Martian, you’ll go crazy for Weir’s latest.”—The Washington PostRyland Grace is the sole survivor on a desperate, last-chance mission—and if he fails, humanity and the earth itself will perish.Except that right now, he doesn’t know that. He can’t even remember his own name, let alone the nature of his assignment or how to complete it.All he knows is that he’s been asleep for a very, very long time. And he’s just been awakened to find himself millions of miles from home, with nothing but two corpses for company.His crewmates dead, his memories fuzzily returning, Ryland realizes that an impossible task now confronts him. Hurtling through space on this tiny ship, it’s up to him to puzzle out an impossible scientific mystery—and conquer an extinction-level threat to our species.And with the clock ticking down and the nearest human being light-years away, he’s got to do it all alone.Or does he?An irresistible interstellar adventure as only Andy Weir could deliver, Project Hail Mary is a tale of discovery, speculation, and survival to rival The Martian—while taking us to places it never dreamed of going.
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
"Great." - Glenn Beck
Книги от Glenn Beck

Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus

Knapp 200 Jahre sind vergangen, seit Mary Shelley mit "Frankenstein" ihr berühmtestes Buch veröffentlichte. Ihr Romanerstling ist seither zu einem Klassiker der Weltliteratur geworden und hat von seiner Aktualität nichts eingebüßt. Schon Viktor Frankenstein im Roman muss sich der Verantwortung für die von ihm geschaffene Kreatur stellen, mehr noch begibt sich der Mensch im 21. Jahrhundert durch seine Forschungen in Bereiche, die moralisch zweifelhaft sind und unkalkulierbare, globale Risiken mit sich bringen. Diese Problematik macht den Roman zu einer beliebten Lektüre im Englischunterricht. Die Ausgabe bietet den ungekürzten Text der von der Autorin 1831 überarbeiteten Fassung. Ungekürzte und unbearbeitete Textausgabe in der Originalsprache, mit Übersetzungen schwieriger Wörter, Nachwort und Literaturhinweisen. E-Book mit Seitenzählung der gedruckten Ausgabe: Buch und E-Book können parallel benutzt werden.
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
"Great book." - Glenn Beck
Книги от Glenn Beck

Winners Never Cheat

Next time someone tells you business can't be done ethically -- corners must be cut, negotiations can't be honest -- hand them Jon Huntsman's new book. He started with practically nothing, and made it to Forbes'list of America's Top 100 richest people. Huntsman's generous about sharing the credit, but in the 21st century, he's the nearest thing to a self-made multi-billionaire. Now, he presents the lessons of a lifetime: a passionate, inspirational manifesto for returning to the days when your word was your bond, a handshake was sacred, and swarms of lawyers weren't needed to back it up. This is no mere exhortation: it's a practical business book about how to listen to your moral compass, even as others ignore theirs. It's about how you build teams with the highest values, share success, take responsibility, and earn the rewards that only come with giving back. Huntsman's built his career and fortune on these principles. You don't live these principles just to 'succeed': you live them because they're right. But in an age of non-stop business scandal, Huntsman's life proves honesty is more than right: it's the biggest competitive differentiator.
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
"It’s awesome." - Glenn Beck
Книги от Glenn Beck

The Rational Bible: Genesis

USA Today bestseller Publishers Weekly bestseller Wall Street Journal bestseller Many people today think the Bible, the most influential book in world history, is not only outdated but irrelevant, irrational, and even immoral. This explanation of the Book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, demonstrates clearly and powerfully that the opposite is true. The Bible remains profoundly relevant—both to the great issues of our day and to each individual life. It is the greatest moral guide and source of wisdom ever written. Do you doubt the existence of God because you think believing in God is irrational? This book will give you many reasons to rethink your doubts. Do you think faith and science are in conflict? You won’t after reading this commentary on Genesis. Do you come from a dysfunctional family? It may comfort you to know that every family discussed in Genesis was highly dysfunctional! The title of this commentary is “The Rational Bible” because its approach is entirely reason-based. The reader is never asked to accept anything on faith alone. In Dennis Prager’s words, “If something I write is not rational, I have not done my job.” The Rational Bible is the fruit of Dennis Prager’s forty years of teaching the Bible—whose Hebrew grammar and vocabulary he has mastered—to people of every faith and no faith at all. On virtually every page, you will discover how the text relates to the contemporary world in general and to you personally. His goal: to change your mind—and, as a result, to change your life.
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
This is an epic book everyone should read AND own.
Книги от Glenn Beck

Dear Reader

No country is as misunderstood as North Korea, and no modern tyrant has remained more mysterious than the Dear Leader, Kim Jong Il. Now, celebrity ghostwriter Michael Malice pulls back the curtain to expose the life story of the "Incarnation of Love and Morality." Taken directly from books spirited out of Pyongyang, DEAR READER is a carefully reconstructed first-person account of the man behind the mythology. From his miraculous rainbow-filled birth during the fiery conflict of World War II, Kim Jong Il watched as his beloved Korea finally earned its freedom from the cursed Japanese. Mere years later, the wicked US imperialists took their chance at conquering the liberated nation—with devastating results. But that's only the beginning of the Dear Leader's story.In DEAR READER, Kim Jong Il explains:*How he can shrink time*Why he despises the Mona Lisa*How he recreated the arts in Korea*Why the Juche idea is the greatest concept ever discovered by man*How he handled the crippling famine*Why Kim Jong Un was chosen as successor over his elder brothersWith nothing left uncovered, drawing straight from dozens of books, hundreds of articles and thousands of years of Korean history, DEAR READER is both the definitive account of Kim Jong Il's life and the complete stranger-than-fiction history of the world's most unique country.
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
"Terrifying and hilarious at the same time." - Glenn Beck
Книги от Glenn Beck

The Coddling of the American Mind

Something is going wrong on many college campuses in the last few years. Rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide are rising. Speakers are shouted down. Students and professors say they are walking on eggshells and afraid to speak honestly. How did this happen? First Amendment expert Greg Lukianoff and social psychologist Jonathan Haidt show how the new problems on campus have their origins in three terrible ideas that have become increasingly woven into American childhood and education: what doesn’t kill you makes you weaker; always trust your feelings; and life is a battle between good people and evil people. These three Great Untruths are incompatible with basic psychological principles, as well as ancient wisdom from many cultures. They interfere with healthy development. Anyone who embraces these untruths—and the resulting culture of safetyism—is less likely to become an autonomous adult able to navigate the bumpy road of life. Lukianoff and Haidt investigate the many social trends that have intersected to produce these untruths. They situate the conflicts on campus in the context of America’s rapidly rising political polarization, including a rise in hate crimes and off-campus provocation. They explore changes in childhood including the rise of fearful parenting, the decline of unsupervised play, and the new world of social media that has engulfed teenagers in the last decade. This is a book for anyone who is confused by what is happening on college campuses today, or has children, or is concerned about the growing inability of Americans to live, work, and cooperate across party lines.
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
"Not only correctly identifies what ails us but also gives practical steps to cure. MUST READ." - Glenn Beck
Книги от Glenn Beck

White Rose, Black Forest

An Amazon Charts bestseller.In the shadows of World War II, trust becomes the greatest risk of all for two strangers.December 1943. In the years before the rise of Hitler, the Gerber family's summer cottage was filled with laughter. Now, as deep drifts of snow blanket the Black Forest, German dissenter Franka Gerber is alone and hopeless. Fervor and brutality have swept through her homeland, taking away both her father and her brother and leaving her with no reason to live.That is, until she discovers an unconscious airman lying in the snow wearing a Luftwaffe uniform, his parachute flapping in the wind. Unwilling to let him die, Franka takes him to her family's isolated cabin despite her hatred for the regime he represents. But when it turns out that he is not who he seems, Franka begins a race against time to unravel the mystery of the airman's true identity. Their tenuous bond becomes as inseparable as it is dangerous. Hunted by the Gestapo, can they trust each other enough to join forces on a mission that could change the face of the war and their own lives forever?
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
"One of those stories filled with characters that become a part of you long after you close the book." - Glenn Beck
Книги от Glenn Beck

The Book of Virtues

From the author of The Moral Compass and The Death of Outrage, William J. Bennett's bestselling The Book of Virtues is an inspiring anthology that helps children understand and develop moral character—and helps parents teach it to them.Responsibility. Courage. Compassion. Honesty. Friendship. Persistence. Faith. Everyone recognizes these traits as essentials of good character. In order for our children to develop such traits, we have to offer them examples of good and bad, right and wrong. And the best places to find them are in great works of literature and exemplary stories from history. William J. Bennett has collected hundreds of stories in The Book of Virtues. From the Bible to American history, from Greek mythology to English poetry, from fairy tales to modern fiction, these stories are a rich mine of moral literacy, a reliable moral reference point that will help anchor our children and ourselves in our culture, our history, and our traditions—the sources of the ideals by which we wish to live our lives. Complete with instructive introductions and notes, The Book of Virtues is a book the whole family can read and enjoy—and learn from—together.
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
"It's just all the old stories of who we are and how we grow. The things you tell your kids; the stories you should tell your kids and we should relearn." - Glenn Beck
Cериалы от Glenn Beck


История семьи Даттон, отбивающейся от бесконечных нападок многочисленных претендентов на их огромное ранчо, которое граничит с первым в мире национальным парком Йеллоустоун.
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
BREAKING: Kevin Costner’s wife is trying to RUIN my favorite show and I won’t stand for it. #Yellowstone
Cериалы от Glenn Beck
29 сериалов

29 Glenn Beck's Favotite TV Series of All Time

Check out Glenn Beck's recommendations: list of 29 favorite TV shows.
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
Check out Glenn Beck's recommendations: list of 29 favorite TV shows.
Музыка от Glenn Beck

The Underdog

Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
Nothing better than coming out of the mountains to have dinner with one of my favorite authors #richardpaulevans while listening to @aaronwatsonmusic Underdog with the windows down and the car stereo up full blast.
Музыка от Glenn Beck
15 песен

Glenn Beck Playlist: 15 Songs He Likes

Take a minute to listen to some of the music that Glenn personally selected for this playlist.
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
Take a minute to listen to some of the music that Glenn personally selected for this playlist.
Люди от Glenn Beck

Kenton Nelson

R. Kenton Nelson is an American painter and contemporary artist from California.
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
@KentonNelson is my favorite contemporary Artist. Someday one of his originals will hang in my home. The style, the hint of ‘what’s to come’ coupled with the purity of what was, to me is staggering.
Люди от Glenn Beck

James Gaffigan

James Christopher Gaffigan (born July 7, 1966) is an American stand-up comedian, actor, writer, and producer.
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
@JimGaffigan is not just a favorite performer but really one of my favorite people. He is funny, kind, normal AND can play roles that most ‘comedians’ try and fail.
Люди от Glenn Beck

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans (born October 11, 1962) is an American author, best known for writing The Christmas Box and, more recently, the Michael Vey series.
Glenn Beck
Писатель, Телеведущий, Журналист
Nothing better than coming out of the mountains to have dinner with one of my favorite authors #richardpaulevans