Фильмы от Dita Von Teese

Королева Марго

Август 1572 года. Францию раздирает религиозная война. Чтобы восстановить мир в стране, прекрасная и гордая принцесса Марго, сестра католического короля Карла IX, должна выйти замуж за протестанта Генриха Наваррского. А после свадьбы произошла кровавая резня Варфоломеевской ночи, организованная жестокой и коварной Екатериной Медичи. Погибли тысячи протестантов, а один из них, тяжело раненный дворянин по имени Ла Моль, в отчаянной попытке спасти свою жизнь постучался в дверь Марго.
Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
Watched Queen Margot for maybe the 30th time. The beauty of Isabelle Adjani is beyond words in this film. Please tell me you've seen it.
Фильмы от Dita Von Teese

Сладкая жизнь

Журналист Марчелло — наблюдатель и участник всех эпизодов жизни итальянской элиты конца 50-х годов. Женщины как тени сменяют друг друга, не задевая его чувств, даже явление американской кинодивы Сильвии, воплощения сексуальности и порока, не выводит его из ступора. Внезапное самоубийство его друга Штайнера, пришедшего к мысли о бессмысленности их жизни, приводит Марчелло к катарсису, но надолго ли…
Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
Цhat is your favorite movie by #Fellini? La Dolce Vita, of course.
Фильмы от Dita Von Teese


At the age of forty Dame Margot Fonteyn is considered to be past her best as a prima ballerina and Ninette de Valois is reducing her roles at the Royal Ballet. Then the exciting young Russian dancer Rudolf Nureyev, a recent defector to the West, comes into her life and her bed and revitalizes her career. Frederick Aashton creates a new ballet for them and they become the golden couple of the ballet world. However, Margot is married to Roberto 'Tito' Arias, a Panamanian politician of dubious repute who is not sympathetic to her calling and is probably faithless. When he is shot and paralyzed for life Margot must carry on dancing well into her sixties in order to pay for his costly treatment though she still collaborates with Rudolf in the occasional ballet.
Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
The film is simply called "Margot". Beware, it's a real tear-jerker.
Фильмы от Dita Von Teese

Henry & June

Истосковавшаяся по сильным, чувственным ощущениям, очаровательная писательница Анаис Нин проводит дни за подробным изложением своих эротических переживаний в личном дневнике. Ее существование не приносит никакого удовольствия: жизнь тосклива и приторна, словно сироп. Свободного времени у нее хватает на десятерых; порядочный, но скучный муж надоел до безумия, и, казалось бы, ничто уже не сможет вырвать Анаис из пресного бытия. Но именно в этот момент появляется удивительная пара: странный, вульгарного вида, тип по имени Генри Миллер и его таинственная красавица-жена Джун…
Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
A fabulous film about Henry Miller+Anais Nin
Фильмы от Dita Von Teese


Фильм рассказывает об Элтоне Джоне и его удивительной истории взлета на вершину музыкальной индустрии.
Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
Delighted to have attended the eltonjohn #Rocketman premiere tonight in Cannes. I loved the film SO much!
Фильмы от Dita Von Teese

Raise the Red Lantern

Деревенская девушка, за дальнейшее обучение которой семья не может больше платить, оказывается в доме с богатыми традициями четвёртой женой. На протяжении всего фильма происходит психологическая шахматная игра, в которой каждая деталь ритуала кажется освящённой веками. Красный фонарь — символ того, что именно сюда придёт Мужчина. Постепенно пышность, подробности ритуала перестают волновать и героиню, и зрителей, и на первый план выступает эмоциональный бунт, в котором не остаётся места разуму. Не остаётся места для живого человека...
Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
And have you seen "Raise the Red Lantern"? Another sumptuous, epic film with a gorgeous star and no lame Hollywood ending!
Фильмы от Dita Von Teese

Трон: Наследие

Сэм Флинн, технически одарённый 27-летний сын Кевина Флинна, начинает расследовать исчезновение своего отца и оказывается втянутым в тот же мир жестоких программ и гладиаторских игр, в котором его отец жил на протяжении 25 лет. Вместе с помощницей Кевина, отец и сын пускаются в рискованное путешествие за жизнью по поражающей взгляд кибер-вселенной, которая стала ещё более совершенной и чрезвычайно опасной.
Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
Saw #tron last night. @daft_punk soundtrack is amazing! But the line "Electrify them"+ the laser show before the movie=LOLs!
Фильмы от Dita Von Teese

Китайский квартал

Джек Николсон исполняет роль частного детектива Джейка Гиттеса из довоенного Лос-Анджелеса. Гиттес принимает предложение загадочной богатой красавицы заняться расследованием обстоятельств тайного романа на стороне ее мужа-инженера. Согласившись на это дело, Гиттес не подозревал, что окажется в центре тайных скандалов, беспредела коррупции и скрытых махинаций, правда о которых всплывет однажды ночью вместе с телом несчастного инженера…
Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
Long-haul flight movie marathon: the original Gatsby & Chinatown. Both films are perfection.
Фильмы от Dita Von Teese

The Great Gatsby

Nick Carraway, a young Midwesterner now living on Long Island, finds himself fascinated by the mysterious past and lavish lifetyle of his landlord, the nouveau riche Jay Gatsby. He is drawn into Gatsby's circle, becoming a witness to obsession and tragedy.
Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
Long-haul flight movie marathon: the original Gatsby & Chinatown. Both films are perfection.
Фильмы от Dita Von Teese

Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

В «Гонзо» описывается золотая эпоха Томпсона — с 1965 по 1975 годы, со всеми ее главными вехами: двусмысленными отношениями с полубандитской байкерской группировкой «Ангелы Ада», попыткой попасть на пост шерифа города Аспен в 1970-м, знаменитой историей поездки в Лас-Вегас и написания «Страха и ненависти», наверное, главной книги о закате 60-х и беспросветности поисков «американской мечты», скандальным участием в президентской компании сенатора Джорджа МакГоверна в 1972 и многими-многими другими. Разобраться с томпсоновским мифом помогают его близкие и друзья, включая писателя Тома Вульфа и автора знаменитых гротескных иллюстраций к произведениям Томпсона, художника Ральфа Стэдмана. А рассказывает историю доктора Томпсона его близкий друг — Джонни Депп, сыгравший альтер-эго писателя в «Страхе и ненависти в Лас-Вегасе» Терри Гиллиама.
Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
Watching "Gonzo", docu-film about Hunter S. Thompson. Hunter once left this phone message: "That Dita, she's fun!". Best. Compliment. Ever.
Книги от Dita Von Teese

Delta of Venus & Little Birds

Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
I love lascivious literature set in the eras that fascinate me. I love to imagine the glamorous clothes, marcel-waved hairstyles and lingerie of the past combined with explicit erotica. I am currently working on a perfume that captures the feels of these books.
Книги от Dita Von Teese

Story of the Eye

Bataille’s first novel, published under the pseudonym ‘Lord Auch’, is still his most notorious work. In this explicit pornographic fantasy, the young male narrator and his lovers Simone and Marcelle embark on a sexual quest involving sadism, torture, orgies, madness and defilement, culminating in a final act of transgression. Shocking and sacreligious, Story of the Eye is the fullest expression of Bataille’s obsession with the closeness of sex, violence and death. Yet it is also hallucinogenic in its power, and is one of the erotic classics of the twentieth century.
Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
Definitely not for the faint of heart, this intense surrealist erotic novel set in the 1920's is one of my favorite books
Книги от Dita Von Teese

Infinite Variety

The Marchesa Luisa Casati was Europe's most notorious celebrity, and its most eccentric. Artists painted and sculpted her, poets praised her beauty, and fashion designers fought for her patronage. Among those she captivated were Jean Cocteau, Cecil Beaton and Jack Kerouac. Then, after the first three decades of the 20th century, the extravagance ended. Her wealth was gone and Casti fled to London. This is her story.
Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
Talk about eccentric glamour, La Casati did it ALL before any of us did!
Книги от Dita Von Teese


“An evening with D.V. is almost as marvelous as an evening with D.V. [herself]—same magic, same spontaneity and, above all, never a boring moment.”—Bill BlassD.V. is the mesmerizing autobiography of one of the 20th century’s greatest fashion icons, Diana Vreeland, the one-time fashion editor of Harper’s Bazaar and editor-in-chief of Vogue, whose incomparable style-sense, genius, and flair helped define the world of haute couture for fifty years. The incomparable D.V. proves herself a brilliant raconteur as she carries the reader along on her whirlwind life—from English palaces to the nightclubs of Paris in the 1930s to the heart of New York high society, hobnobbing with everyone who was anyone, from Queen Mary to Clark Gable to Coco Chanel.
Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
The most entertaining memoir I've ever read, in the classic Diana Vreeland style. Colorful, witty, glamorous and inspiring
Книги от Dita Von Teese

Mae West on Sex, Health, and ESP.

Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
No one is more quotable than Mae West, and this rare book is both hilarious and insightful. When I was living in Paris, my fellow glambassadors and I would sit around and drink violet scented champagne and read aloud from this book
Книги от Dita Von Teese

Mae West: Broadcast Muse

Much is known and written about the film and stage careers of Mae West. But she also worked sporadically on national radio and television during her seventy-five-year career in show business. MAE WEST: Broadcast Muse is the first comprehensive look at her television and radio appearances with Rudy Vallee, Perry Como, and, most famously, with Edger Bergen and Charlie McCarthy on The Chase and Sanborn Hour in 1937. Her portrayal of Eve, opposite Don Ameche’s Adam, in the infamous “Garden of Eden” skit, and her provocative sparring with Bergen’s wooden companion, Charlie McCarthy, earned the actress condemnation and a ban from national radio that lasted more than a decade. It also all but ended her motion picture career. In the 1950s, she ventured into television with a surprise appearance on the 30th Annual Academy Awards presentation singing a duet with Rock Hudson, guest starring appearances on The Dean Martin Show and The Red Skelton Show, and an interview on the CBS-TV program, Person to Person, which was considered so risqué, the network cancelled the pre-recorded broadcast twenty-four hours before the show was scheduled to air. In the 1960s, she guest-starred on the popular sitcom, Mr. Ed, considered several television specials and a cartoon series, and did a rare sit-down interview with Dick Cavett. MAE WEST: Broadcast Muse includes the fascinating behind the scene stories of her work on these shows, and many rare photographs from the sets. The book also includes several proposed radio and television scripts that were written for Mae West, but never made it on the air, including a proposed appearance with Frank Sinatra on the Armed Forces radio show, Mail Call, in 1944, and fascinating interviews with the actress expressing her thoughts on television, censorship, sex, and being one of the most famous sex symbols in Hollywood history. “I never liked the idea of doing television because people could turn me off,” Mae West said to Joyce Haber in 1968. MAE WEST: Broadcast Muse explores with hilarious details all the famed actress’ radio and television ventures – those that made it on the air, and the many more that didn’t – and bring the actress back to life in a way her fans have never seen before.
Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
She loves reading biographies and autobiographies about Hollywood stars of the past, in particular Mae West.
Книги от Dita Von Teese

La Parisienne

Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
La Parisienne, a rare and beautiful book that my friend the corsetiere Mr Pearl gave me. It's full of antique snapshots and portraits of women in the 1860s wearing the most divine and decadent clothes and hats.
Музыка от Dita Von Teese


Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
The last song I chose is called “Striptease” by Juliette Greco and I’ve known Juliette Greco for awhile, but last year, when I walked in Jean Paul Gaultier’s fashion show for the haute couture in Paris, he brought me this song, and said, I’d like you to perform to this song and, I fell in love with this song.
Музыка от Dita Von Teese

The Presets

Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
think my favorite modern day electronic band is The Real Presets. They’re from Australia. I’m a huge fan of them. I’m such a fan of them that when I went to Australia recently and I was performing a show, I stalked The Presets because I’m such a big fan.
Музыка от Dita Von Teese

In For The Kill

Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
Well, shift gears a little bit from the retro to some modern electronic music and this is a song called “In For the Kill” by La Roux. I was good friends with DJ AM who passed away almost two years ago. And, we used to hang around the same rave scene in L.A in 1990-91 and he was not a famous DJ back then at all. He was just a rave kid like me. But, he used to send me a lot of mixes and songs and we used to share old songs that we used to like back in the old days in L.A and he made me a mix with this song on it and I loved this version.
Музыка от Dita Von Teese

Une histoire de plage

Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
Brigitte Bardot. It’s called “Une Histoire de Plage” and it means “a story of the beach.” And, not only was she beautiful and a free spirit and, really, a great actress, but she made lots of music and great music.
Музыка от Dita Von Teese

Stormy Blues

Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
So, this is “The Stormy Blues.” It’s by Billie Holiday and is the choice of our Guest DJ, Dita Von Teese.
Музыка от Dita Von Teese

Billie Holiday

Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
I am a huge Billie Holiday fan. I can play hours of her music and never get tired of it and I love all the outtakes of her
Музыка от Dita Von Teese

Daft Punk

Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
She listens to different kinds of music; unexpectedly she’s a fan of Daft Punk.
Музыка от Dita Von Teese

Max Raabe

Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
Max Raabe: He played at our wedding and is the world's finest '30s-style musician.
Музыка от Dita Von Teese


Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
What are some of your go-to bands or albums for those rare moments of leisure, when you’re not working or entertaining? Blood Orange and Monarchy, who are both on the album, they’re two artists that I listen to all of the time.
Музыка от Dita Von Teese

Blood Orange

Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
What are some of your go-to bands or albums for those rare moments of leisure, when you’re not working or entertaining? Blood Orange and Monarchy, who are both on the album, they’re two artists that I listen to all of the time.
Вещи от Dita Von Teese

KitchenAid KSM150PSGU Artisan Series 5-Qt. Tilt-Head Stand Mixer

Over 20 colors available to best match your style and personality. Turn your stand mixer into a culinary center with over 10 available attachments. 5 qt stainless steel bowl with handle to mix up to 9 dozen cookies or 4 loaves of bread. Tilt-head design allows clear access to the bowl to easily add ingredients for a recipe. 10 optimized speeds powerful enough for nearly any task or recipe.Beater Length:6 inch. Includes (1) Coated flat beater, (1) Coated dough hook, (1) wire whip, (1) pouring shield
Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
Pink KitchenAid mixer: My kitchen is pink and black boudoir style with big Swarovski crystal chandeliers.
Вещи от Dita Von Teese


Mariage Frères - Macro Polo- Icône - TEA in BLACK CANISTER. French Tea House since 1854. Its extraordinary bouquet makes Marco Polo the most legendary of flavoured teas.. Characteristics : #Fruity & flowery #Black tea #Scented Tea. Fragrances of Chinese and Tibetan flowers lend it a uniquely velvety taste.. Black classical sealed canister containing 100 g of loose leaf tea and presented in a gift box
Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
Mariage Freres tea: No coffee!
Вещи от Dita Von Teese

Wedgwood 5 Piece Place Setting, Renaissance Gold

Renaissance Gold by Wedgwood. Includes 10.75" Dinner Plate, 8" Salad Plate, 6" Bread & Butter Plate, Teacup and Saucer.. Gold Banded Fine Bone China. Bold Florentine accents. Royalty Blue Color. Presented in Gift Box for the Perfect Gift
Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
Bespoke Wedgwood: With our wedding monogram.
Люди от Dita Von Teese

Pamela Anderson

Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
I think that there are only a few people in the world who are that way about their career now. Pamela Anderson, for example, is great. She doesn"t take herself too seriously
Люди от Dita Von Teese

Betty Grable

Grable began her film career in 1929 at age 12, after which she was fired from a contract when it was learned she signed up under false identification. She had contracts with RKO and Paramount Pictures during the 1930s, and appeared in a string of B movies, mostly portraying college students. Grable came to prominence in the Broadway musical DuBarry Was a Lady (1939), which brought her to the attention of 20th Century-Fox.
Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
Betty Grable: My favorite movie star of the 1940s. I loved the Technicolor musicals and she was the queen of them. I am more influenced by her than any other star or by burlesque itself.
Люди от Dita Von Teese

Rita Hayworth

Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
When I was growing up, I couldn’t relate to supermodels, but I could relate to the created and, if you will, artificial brand of glamour. When I looked at pictures of someone like Marilyn Monroe and Rita Hayworth the hair and the lipstick and the clothes were such a huge element of what created their appeal. I like to think that maybe I’m the same kind of role model.
Люди от Dita Von Teese

Marilyn Monroe

Dita Von Teese
Актриса, Артистка
When I was growing up, I couldn’t relate to supermodels, but I could relate to the created and, if you will, artificial brand of glamour. When I looked at pictures of someone like Marilyn Monroe and Rita Hayworth the hair and the lipstick and the clothes were such a huge element of what created their appeal. I like to think that maybe I’m the same kind of role model.