Фильмы от Andrew Yang


The cultural phenomenon continues on the big screen! Immerse yourself in this once-in-a-lifetime concert film experience with a breathtaking, cinematic view of the history-making tour.
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
Taylor Swift just spontaneously releasing a blockbuster movie a month out is kind of incredible.
Фильмы от Andrew Yang

Человек-паук: Через вселенные 2

The continuing story of Miles Morales and the many other Spider-People from different realities.
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
The new Spiderverse movie is phenomenal. Highly recommend.
Фильмы от Andrew Yang

Хвост тигра

Рабочий из Тайваня отправляется в Америку в поисках новых возможностей, но в итоге сталкивается с новыми проблемами и сложностями жизни иммигранта.
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
Tigertail on @netflix by @alanyang reminded me a lot of my family. Enjoyed it and glad to see the immigrant story presented in a new way.
Фильмы от Andrew Yang

Американская фабрика

В постиндустриальном штате Огайо китайский миллиардер открывает новый завод в заброшенном заводе General Motors, нанимая на работу две тысячи сотрудников. Первые дни надежды и оптимизма сменяются неудачами, когда высокотехнологичный Китай сталкивается с Америкой рабочего класса.
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
The last few minutes in particular really hammer the message home. We need to evolve.
Фильмы от Andrew Yang

Простите за беспокойство

В альтернативной реальности города Окленда темнокожий телепродавец Кассиус Грин обнаруживает волшебный ключ к карьерному успеху, из-за которого он оказывается в другой, жуткой вселенной.
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
Finally watching @sorry2botheryou damn this movie is smart well-acted and profound. Wish it wasn't so close to real life.
Фильмы от Andrew Yang

Безумно богатые азиаты

Рэйчел Чу — американка китайского происхождения. Она отправляется вместе с бойфрендом в Сингапур на свадьбу его лучшего друга, где узнаёт, что её спутник на самом деле родом из безумно богатого семейства, и все местные женщины до смерти хотят за него замуж.
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
Sane Poor Asians would do poorly at the box office. (Enjoyed the movie!)
Фильмы от Andrew Yang

Generation Startup

Generation Startup takes us to the front lines of entrepreneurship in America, capturing the struggles and triumphs of six recent college graduates who put everything on the line to build startups in Detroit. Shot over 17 months, it's an honest, in-the-trenches look at what it takes to launch a startup. Directed by Academy Award winner Cynthia Wade and award-winning filmmaker Cheryl Miller Houser, the film celebrates risk-taking, urban revitalization, and diversity while delivering a vital call-to-action-with entrepreneurship at a record low, the country's economic future is at stake.
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
Best movie about entrepreneurs ever made.
Фильмы от Andrew Yang


Фильм расскажет о двух старшеклассницах, которые поняли, что единственная вещь, которую они не достигли в своей жизни, это то что у них нет друзей. Каждая их них решает найти друга для выпускного вечера.
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
I hear Booksmart is a great film.
Фильмы от Andrew Yang


Жизнь Томаса Андерсона разделена на две части: днём он самый обычный офисный работник, получающий нагоняи от начальства, а ночью превращается в хакера по имени Нео, и нет места в сети, куда он не смог бы дотянуться. Но однажды всё меняется — герой, сам того не желая, узнаёт страшную правду: всё, что его окружает — не более, чем иллюзия, Матрица, а люди — всего лишь источник питания для искусственного интеллекта, поработившего человечество. И только Нео под силу изменить расстановку сил в этом ставшем вдруг чужим и страшным мире.
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
All right here is my thread to watch the Matrix for #MillarGeekFriday! It’s one of my favorite movies - I vividly remember leaning over to my friend in the theatre and whispering “this is the greatest movie I’ve ever seen.”
Фильмы от Andrew Yang

Тёмные воды

Адвокат Роберт Билотт, работавший корпоративным юристом химического холдинга DuPont, выступает с обвинением в суде против своей бывшей компании, которая десятилетиями цинично травила людей, загрязняя химикатами питьевую воду. Он ведет это дело 19 лет. Сможет ли он пролить свет на правду?
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
Evelyn and I watched the movie Dark Waters last night and found it to be a powerful illustration of life in America today.
Книги от Andrew Yang

Soul Boom

Comedic actor, producer, and writer Rainn Wilson, cofounder of the media company SoulPancake, explores the problem-solving benefits that spirituality gives us to create solutions for an increasingly challenging world. The trauma that our struggling species has experienced in recent years—because of both the pandemic and societal tensions that threaten to overwhelm us—is not going away anytime soon. Existing political and economic systems are not enough to bring the change that the world needs. In this book, Rainn Wilson explores the possibility and hope for a spiritual revolution, a “Soul Boom,” to find a healing transformation on both a personal and global level For Wilson, this is a serious and essential pursuit, but he brings great humor and his own unique perspective to the conversation. He feels that, culturally, we’ve discounted spirituality—faith and the sacred—and we need profound healing and a unifying understanding of the world that the great spiritual traditions provide. Wilson’s approach to spirituality—the non-physical, eternal aspects of ourselves—is relatable and applies to people of all beliefs, even the skeptics. Filled with genuine insight—not to mention enlightening Kung Fu and Star Trek references—Soul Boom delves into ancient wisdom to seek out practical, transformative answers to life’s biggest questions.
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
Met the awesome Rainn Wilson last week - and am excited to check out his book!!
Книги от Andrew Yang

What's Our Problem?

From the creator of the wildly popular blog Wait But Why, a fun and fascinating deep dive into what the hell is going on in our strange, unprecedented modern times.Between 2013 and 2016, Tim Urban became one of the world’s most popular bloggers, writing dozens of viral, long-form articles about everything from AI to colonizing Mars to procrastination. Then, he turned his attention to a new topic: the society around him. Why was everything such a mess? Why was everyone acting like such a baby? When did things get so tribal? Why do humans do this stuff?This massive topic sent Tim tumbling down his deepest rabbit hole yet, through mountains of history, evolutionary psychology, political theory, neuroscience, and modern-day political movements, as he tried to figure out the answer to a simple question: What’s our problem?Six years later, he emerged from the hole holding this book. What’s Our Problem? is a deep and expansive analysis of our modern times, in the classic style of Wait But Why, packed with original concepts, sticky metaphors, and 300 drawings. The book provides an entirely new framework and language for thinking and talking about today’s complex world. Instead of focusing on the usual left-center-right horizontal political axis, which is all about what we think, the book introduces a vertical axis that explores how we think, as individuals and as groups. Readers will find themselves on a delightful and fascinating journey that will ultimately change the way they see the world around them.Anyway he wanted to say a lot more about all of this but there was a word limit on this book description so just go read the book.
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
From @waitbutwhy’s new book “What’s Our Problem?” describing different ways to discuss ideas.
Книги от Andrew Yang

Of Boys and Men

A positive vision for masculinity in a more equal worldBoys and men are struggling. Profound economic and social changes of recent decades have many losing ground in the classroom, the workplace, and in the family. While the lives of women have changed, the lives of many men have remained the same or even worsened.Our attitudes, our institutions, and our laws have failed to keep up. Conservative and progressive politicians, mired in their own ideological warfare, fail to provide thoughtful solutions.The father of three sons, a journalist, and a Brookings Institution scholar, Richard V. Reeves has spent twenty-five years worrying about boys both at home and work. His new book, Of Boys and Men, tackles the complex and urgent crisis of boyhood and manhood.Reeves looks at the structural challenges that face boys and men and offers fresh and innovative solutions that turn the page on the corrosive narrative that plagues this issue. Of Boys and Men argues that helping the other half of society does not mean giving up on the ideal of gender equality.
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
Congrats @RichardvReeves on a great book with an important message.
Книги от Andrew Yang

We Need To Build

From the former faith adviser to President Obama comes an inspirational guide for those who seek to promote positive social change and build a more diverse and just democracyThe goal of social change work is not a more ferocious revolution; it is a more beautiful social order. It is harder to organize a fair trial than it is to fire up a crowd, more challenging to build a good school than it is to tell others they are doing education all wrong. But every decent society requires fair trials and good schools, and that’s just the beginning of the list of institutions and structures that need to be efficiently created and effectively run in large-scale diverse democracy. We Need to Build is a call to create those institutions and a guide for how to run them well. In his youth, Eboo Patel was inspired by love-based activists like John Lewis, Martin Luther King Jr., Badshah Khan, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Dorothy Day, Abraham Joshua Heschel, and Thich Nhat Hanh. Their example, and a timely challenge to build the change he wanted to see, led to a life engaged in the particulars of building, nourishing, and sustaining an institution that seeks to promote positive social change—Interfaith America. Now, drawing on his twenty years of experience, Patel tells the stories of what he’s learned and how, in the process, he came to construct as much as critique and collaborate more than oppose. His challenge to us is clear: those of us committed to refounding America as a just and inclusive democracy need to defeat the things we don’t like by building the things we do.
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
Excited to read the new book from @EbooPate - we need to build indeed.
Книги от Andrew Yang


"Ward is consistently clear-sighted and perceptive as he charts a genuinely fascinating personal and spiritual evolution."--Publishers WeeklyJon Ward's life is divided in half: two decades inside the evangelical Christian bubble and two decades outside of it.In Testimony, Ward tells the engaging story of his upbringing in, and eventual break from, an influential evangelical church in the 1980s and 1990s. Ward sheds light on the evangelical movement's troubling political and cultural dimensions, tracing the ways in which the Jesus People movement was seduced by materialism and other factors to become politically captive rather than prophetic.A respected journalist, Ward asks uncomfortable but necessary questions, calling those inside and outside conservative Christian circles to embrace truth, complexity, and nuance. He recounts his growing alarm and grief over the last several years as evangelical conservatives attacked truth, rejected personal character, and embraced authoritarianism and conspiracism. He shares his search for a faith that embodies the values he was taught as a child.Ward's experience and reflections will resonate with many readers who grew up in the evangelical movement as well as all those who have an interest in the health of the church and its impact on American life.
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
Congrats @jonward11 on the new book - it explains a lot to Americans who might not understand why evangelicals have been such a big part of the Trump coalition these past years.
Книги от Andrew Yang

On Work

A rousing commentary on the history of labor and the future of work. An Atlantic Edition, featuring long-form journalism by Atlantic writers, drawn from contemporary articles or classic storytelling from the magazine's 165-year archive. On Work gathers a selection of Derek Thompson's most popular and significant writing on work, life, and the future of jobs. From essays on how mass automation could change society to his widely read treatise on "workism" as our modern religion, Thompson's analysis and forecasts have become fixtures of the twenty-first century conversation about work.
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
Congrats @DKThomp on the new book / essay on “Work: Money, Meaning, Identity.” Couldn’t be more timely.
Книги от Andrew Yang

Die with Zero

A Common-Sense Guide to Living Rich....Instead of Dying Rich Imagine if by the time you died, you did everything you were told to. You worked hard, saved your money, and looked forward to financial freedom when you retired. The only thing you wasted along the way was...your life. Die with Zero presents a startling new and provocative philosophy as well as practical guide on how to get the most out of your money--and out of your life. It's intended for those who place lifelong memorable experiences far ahead of simply making and accumulating money for one's so-called Golden Years. In short, Bill Perkins wants to rescue you from over-saving and under-living. Regardless of your age,Die with Zero will teach you Perkins' plan for optimizing your life, stage by stage, so you're fully engaged and enjoying what you've worked and saved for. You'll discover how to maximize your lifetime memorable moments with "experience bucketing," how to convert your earnings into priceless memories by following your "net worth curve," and find out how to navigate whether to invest in, or delay, a meaningful adventure based on your "spend curve" and "personal interest rate." Using his own life experiences as well as the inspiring stories and cautionary tales of others--and drawing on eye-opening insights about time, money, and happiness from psychological science and behavioral finance --Perkins makes a timely, convincing, and contrarian case for living large.
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
I’ve seriously changed behaviors upon reading his book. 👍
Книги от Andrew Yang


The author behind the “eye-popping” (CNN) #1 New York Times bestseller A Warning presents an urgent look at how our deeply divided nation is setting the stage for “The Next Trump.”Donald Trump will be president again, whether he is on the ballot or not. That is because Trumpism is overtaking the Republican Party and will mount a vigorous comeback, potentially in the hands of a savvier successor—The Next Trump. This prophecy will come true, according to Miles Taylor, if we do not learn the lessons of the recent past. With the 2024 election approaching, the formerly “Anonymous” official is back with bombshell revelations and a sobering national forecast. Through interviews with dozens of ex-Trump aides and government leaders, Taylor predicts what could happen inside “Trump 2.0,” the White House of a more competent and more formidable copycat. What sounds like a political thriller—from shadowy presidential powers and CIA betrayals to angry henchmen and assassination plots—is instead America’s political reality, as Taylor uses untold stories to shed light on the ex-President’s unfulfilled plans, the dark forces haunting our civic lives, and how we can thwart the rise of extremism in the United States. Blowback is also a surprisingly emotional and self-critical portrait of a dissenter, whose own unmasking provides a vivid warning about what happens when we hide the truth from others and, most importantly, ourselves.
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
Congrats @MilesTaylorUSA on the important new book - excited to see it out in the world soon!
Книги от Andrew Yang

The Heartbeat of Iran

"Here are tender, lyrical, colorful stories of an Iran that Americans do not know and have no way of discovering directly. Tara Kangarlou has created a work of people-to-people diplomacy, using her words to paint pictures of a very different country than the harsh, angry land depicted in the news. If only Iranians could read a similar account of the Heartbeat of the United States!"―Anne-Marie Slaughter, CEO, New America "With all of the talk about Iran, we hear far too little about the stories of the Iranian people themselves. The Heartbeat of Iran gives us the individual stories of Iranians - an illuminating and powerful portrait of a people who have been so often mischaracterized, and whose voices deserve to be heard."―Ben Rhodes, author of The World as It Is: A Memoir of the Obama White House "In no other time in history has there been such need for building bridges and closing the divides. Tara Kangarlou's Heartbeat Of Iran takes us to a country that has long been isolated and enables us to see Iran through its heart and soul -- its people."―Margot Wallström, former Foreign Minister Of Sweden "Tara Kangarlou's The Heartbeat Of Iran is an impressive, unique, and much needed addition to the compendium of literature on Iran. Using the personal stories of ordinary individuals, she brings to life the Iranian people--a people much misunderstood (and even maligned) in the west--and allows them their own voice in showing us what makes them who they are."―Hooman Majd, author of The Ayatollah Begs to Differ In today's interconnected global village, Iran remains a mystery to much of the rest of the world--especially to those living in the United States and the west. While the country is often synonymous with rogue behavior on the world stage, there is also another, rarely seen side to this nation of 80 million, including being home to the greatest number of Jews in the Middle East outside of Israel, and having the largest transsexual population in the region, among other unexpected surprises. The Heartbeat of Iran takes us on a journey into everyday life in Iran, where we meet the diverse people who make up the country's delicate socio-cultural, political, and religious mosaic. Through textured portraits of regular Iranians--from a blind Sunni environmental activist to the gay son of a general, from Iran's first female race car driver to a young rabbi who is training the future generation of Jewish rabbis in Israel's enemy state--The Heartbeat of Iran reveals a people whose dreams and fears mirror that of millions of others worldwide, and who yearn to join an international community that often views them through the blur of a hostile political fog.
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
Thanks for the book @tarakangarlou - excited to read it! 🙏❤️
Книги от Andrew Yang

What We Owe the Future

An Instant New York Times Bestseller “This book will change your sense of how grand the sweep of human history could be, where you fit into it, and how much you could do to change it for the better. It's as simple, and as ambitious, as that.”—Ezra KleinAn Oxford philosopher makes the case for “longtermism” — that positively influencing the long-term future is a key moral priority of our time. The fate of the world is in our hands. Humanity’s written history spans only five thousand years. Our yet-unwritten future could last for millions more — or it could end tomorrow. Astonishing numbers of people could lead lives of great happiness or unimaginable suffering, or never live at all, depending on what we choose to do today. In What We Owe The Future, philosopher William MacAskill argues for longtermism, that idea that positively influencing the distant future is a key moral priority of our time. From this perspective, it’s not enough to reverse climate change or avert the next pandemic. We must ensure that civilization would rebound if it collapsed; counter the end of moral progress; and prepare for a planet where the smartest beings are digital, not human. If we make wise choices today, our grandchildren’s grandchildren will thrive, knowing we did everything we could to give them a world full of justice, hope and beauty.
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
Met the author tonight - excited to dig into “What We Owe the Future” about longtermism and effective altruism. Many will come after us - what kind of world will they inherit? We owe them as good as we can muster.
Cериалы от Andrew Yang

Игра престолов

К концу подходит время благоденствия, и лето, длившееся почти десятилетие, угасает. Вокруг средоточия власти Семи Королевств, Железного трона, зреет заговор, и в это непростое время король решает искать поддержки у друга юности Эддарда Старка. В мире, где все — от короля до наёмника — рвутся к власти, плетут интриги и готовы вонзить нож в спину, есть место и благородству, состраданию и любви. Между тем, никто не замечает пробуждение тьмы из легенд далеко на Севере — и лишь Стена защищает живых к югу от неё.
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
LOVED Game of Thrones but that last season felt like a different show.
Cериалы от Andrew Yang

Asian Americans

This five-part series traces the story of Asian Americans, spanning 150 years of immigration, racial politics, international relations, and cultural innovation. It is a timely, clear-eyed look at the vital role that Asian Americans have played in defining who we are as a nation. Their stories are a celebration of the grit and resilience of a people that reflects the experience of all Americans.
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
PBS is premiering “Asian Americans” tonight - a five-part film series chronicling the contributions and challenges of Asian Americans throughout U.S. history. Some friends of mine featured.
Музыка от Andrew Yang
12 песен

Yang's Favorite Jams - Part 2 - 12 Songs

Andrew Yang curated a playlist of his all-time favorite tracks. Check out part 2 of this epic playlist!
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
Andrew Yang curated a playlist of his all-time favorite tracks. Check out part 2 of this epic playlist!
Музыка от Andrew Yang
15 песен

Yang's Favorite Jams - Part 1 - 15 Songs

Andrew Yang curated a playlist of his all-time favorite tracks. Check out part 1 of this epic playlist!
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
Andrew Yang curated a playlist of his all-time favorite tracks. Check out part 1 of this epic playlist!
Вещи от Andrew Yang

Quip Adult Electric Toothbrush

Quip Adult Electric Toothbrush
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
I think Quip is very smart. My genius wife gave one to me. Before that, I was just using a regular toothbrush, and I was sometimes too lazy to replace it.
Вещи от Andrew Yang

Ito En Tea Oi Ocha Green Tea

Ito En Tea Oi Ocha Green Tea
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
I developed a little bit of an addiction to green tea while on the road. My preference is this unsweetened Japanese green tea — I’ll buy it whenever I can, but if I can’t, I will adapt to whatever green tea I can find. I don’t drink coffee, so green tea is a replacement for that.
Вещи от Andrew Yang

Yogasleep Dohm Classic (White) The Original White Noise Sound Machine

Yogasleep Dohm Classic (White) The Original White Noise Sound Machine
Andrew Yang
Политик, Предприниматель
I have a very intense schedule, but when I go into my bedroom and hear the white-noise machine, it activates a certain part of my brain that’s like, Okay, no matter what I was doing today, now it’s time to sleep. I think the kids at this point have the same mental association with it. I do not bring anything like this on the road with me, and I always feel better rested at home.