8 my. 2020
Maria BookComet
The Victory in World War II or Great Patriotic War how it is known in Russia has inspired many films on this topic and here's the list what I'm going to watch on this year Victory Day!
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me gusta
Basada en las memorias de Vyacheslav Kondratyev, aborda la batalla de la ciudad de Rzhev durante la segunda guerra mundial de 1942-1943. Dicha batalla fue clave en la lucha para romper el devastador asedio nazi. Se produjo un baño de sangre, murieron más de 400 mil personas y hubo 900 mil heridos.
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Baltic Skies
Based on the novel of the same name by Nikolai Chukovsky.
The end of August 1941. At night, a truck rushes along the last road not yet occupied by the enemy to Leningrad. In the back of two — civil aviation pilot Lunin and commissar of the air division Uvarov. Lunin, a man no longer young, experienced, but had not yet been in battle, was sent to the legendary squadron of fighter pilots under the command of Captain Rassokhin. This squadron fought from the first day of the war and has already lost most of its composition. The story of the harsh everyday life of the defenders of Leningrad, full of heroism and tragedy; about the heavy share of city residents who fell into the ring of an enemy blockade. In the center of the story is the fate of military pilots who had to fight in the sky over Leningrad and the Baltic.
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Schindler's List
Oskar Schindler, un hombre de enorme astucia y talento para las relaciones públicas, organiza un ambicioso plan para ganarse la simpatía de los nazis. Después de la invasión de Polonia por los alemanes, consigue, gracias a sus relaciones con los nazis, la propiedad de una fábrica de Cracovia. Allí emplea a cientos de operarios judíos, cuya explotación le hace prosperar rápidamente. Su gerente, también judío, es el verdadero director en la sombra, pues Schindler no tiene el menor conocimiento industrial.
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Fortress of War
I have heard since school years that it is a very difficult to watch film in emotional sense, so I never tried to watch it, but this time I will try to watch it.Со школьных лет слышала, что очень тяжёлая картина в эмоциональном плане, поэтому никогда и не пыталась смотреть, но в этот раз попробую осилить.
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The Dawns Here Are Quiet
Heartbreaking movie. It is impossible to watch without tears.I watched it for the first time when I was a teenager. The film forever has left an imprint in my soul. all this was done only in the last century.Душераздирающий фильм. Невозможно смотреть без слёз.Первый раз я посмотрела его в подростковом возрасте. Фильм навсегда оставил отпечаток в моей души. Невозможно поверить, что А ведь всё это творилось всего-то в прошлом веке.
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