Películas recomendado por Ксения Гордякова

Фильмы от Kseniya: Часть 1

20 febr. 2020
Películas de Ксения Гордякова

Афера доктора Нока

Knock, un ex carterista arrepentido se convierte en médico, y llega al pequeño pueblo de Saint-Maurice para aplicar un "método" destinado a hacerle rico: va a convencer a la gente de que todo sano es un enfermo que ignora que lo es. Y para ello, debe encontrar a cada uno la enfermedad real o imaginaria de la que sufre. Maestro en el arte de la seducción y de la manipulación, Knock está a punto de alcanzar sus fines.
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Películas de Ксения Гордякова

Весна на Заречной улице

Una sofisticada joven, idealista profesora de literatura rusa, llega a una ciudad provincial e industrial para dar clases a los jóvenes trabajadores de una fábrica de fundición de metal. Uno de sus alumnos más populares, arrogante y capaz de conseguir a cualquier chica, se enamora de ella, cuyos ideales chocan con los de él.
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Películas de Ксения Гордякова

Вам и не снилось

Two high school kids meet in class and fall madly in love with each other. Unfortunately, His father and her mother had a history of their own between them which creates uneasiness in both of them. Also because of that, the boy's mother is very jealous and tries to separate them. The only person that tries to help them is their teacher who has relationship problems of her own.
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Películas de Ксения Гордякова


A film adaptation of the novel of the same name by Boris Blednyy. A graduate of the culinary technical school of the cook, Tosya Kislitsyna, a naive and eccentric girl, came to the village lost in the northern forests. She sticks her nose in all affairs, seeks to help everyone. She met Ilya on the day of arrival: the "first guy in the village" fell upon her indignantly, and in the evening, to brighten up an unpleasant meeting, she decided to "make happy" with an invitation to a dance and was refused. Not accustomed to refusals, Ilya argues with Filya that during the week he will fall in love with Tosya...
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Películas de Ксения Гордякова

Love and Pigeons

Shown a life in the remote siberian village. Vasia, who never leave his family, village, comes to pass summer holiday on the Black Sea. New world, new people - so, hi's temted by a half-crazy woman (Raisa Zaharovna). And after short time Vasia returns to his wife and children.
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