A small provincial town is home to two rival teenage gangs, one devoted to loose living and punk music and the other a collection of narrow-minded bodybuilders obsessed with order and convinced of their own moral rectitude. However, this cosy state of affairs is upset by the arrival of two strangers dressed like Pushkin, the famous early 19th century Russian poet, who proceed to found their own organisation, dedicated ostensibly to the memory of the great writer and the "salvation of Russia". Gradually, they begin to assume control of the town...
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Маленькая Вера
A story about a young woman, Vera, who is somebody, living the life of a troubled teenager in the time right before the end of the Soviet Union. She lives in a very small Russian apartment with her mother and father, however being this close to each other makes the living get rough. Their daily life is plagued with massive amounts of alcohol (mainly vodka) and when she tries to escape her home life, she meets up with a boyfriend, Sergei who then moves into her already small apartment after sleeping with her. Every day little Vera has to go through hell just to get by, which even involves her going against her own morals after her father has done something extremely wrong.
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Забытая мелодия для флейты
A flutist in the forgotten past, at present the husband of a “big man’s” daughter and head of one of the Chief Directorate’s sections felt unwell one day: the forty-year-old man had a pain in his heart. This unpleasant incident provided an opportunity to meet a nurse named Lida. However, their stormy love affair ended, with Filimonov returning to normal life and an unloved wife.
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Andrei Rublev
A comienzos del siglo XV, el monje pintor Andrei Rublev acude junto con sus compañeros a Moscú para pintar los frescos de la catedral de la Asunción del Kremlin. Fuera del aislamiento de su celda, Rublev comenzará a percatarse de las torturas, crimenes y matanzas que tienen aterrorizado al pueblo ruso... La biografía del pintor ruso Andrei Rublev -Andrei Rubliov-, famoso por sus iconos, sirve de base para hacer un minucioso retrato de la vida social, política y artística en la Rusia de principios del siglo XV.
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