Me Too
Five passengers - the Bandit, his friend Matvei, Matvei's old father, the Musician, and a young woman - race along an empty road in a big black jeep, searching for the Belfry of Happiness which, according to hearsay, lies somewhere between St. Petersburg and the town of Uglich, near a deserted nuclear power station. The Belfry takes people, but it does not take everyone. Each of the five passengers believes that he or she will be chosen.
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The year is 1917. We are in the Russian countryside. It is the middle of freezing winter. A pale young, newly educated doctor arrives. Having to deal with one medical challenge after another he soon becomes the center of everyone's attention. To soothe the impressions of human suffering he turns to morphine.
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Silent Souls
Miron (Yuriy Tsurito) acaba de perder a su querida esposa, Tanya (Yuliya Aug). Su amor hacia ella era tan grande que le pide a su mejor amigo, Aist (Igor Sergeyev), que le ayude a despedirla según el ritual de la cultura Merya, una tradición de la región del Lago Negro que se remonta al siglo XVII. Los dos hombres parten hacia el lago con ese objetivo y, durante el largo trayecto por las tierras desérticas de Rusia, Miron se acerca más que nunca a Tanya... aunque no está preparado para la nueva y terrible verdad que se rebela ante sus ojos.
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Of Freaks and Men
La historia de dos familias en la Rusia de principios del siglo XX, que juega irónicamente en su título con una famosa novela de John Steinbeck. Un mundo de burguesía, de apariencias de solemnidad y elegancia, reducido a añicos por la intrusión de personajes relacionados con la incipiente industria del erotismo soft. Como si fuese un virus que se extiende sin que sea posible detenerlo, la abyección inoculada en el seno de las familias hará que surjan pulsiones fetichistas en su interior. Un deslumbrante análisis de los mecanismos de la perversión del alma humana, en la sociedad, en el arte y en el uso de la fotografía y el cine como medios.
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Desmovilizados del ejército, Danila Bagrov regresó a su ciudad natal. Pero la vida aburrida no se ajustaba a su provincia de Rusia, y decidió ir a San Petersburgo, que se rumorea desde hace varios años que prosperan a su hermano mayor. Daniel encontró un hermano. Pero no fue tan fácil - hermano era un asesino ...
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Brother 2
Arriving in Moscow, Chechen veteran Danila (Sergei Bodrov Jr) meets Konstantin, an old friend who tells him that his twin brother has been forced into signing a crooked contract with a US ice hockey team. Soon after this meeting, Danila discovers Konstantin dead and he sets out to avenge his death; a journey that leads him to Chicago and a whole new experience.
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The Return
La vida de dos hermanos sufre un brusco cambio cuando de repente aparece su padre, al que sólo recordaban por una vieja fotografía. ¿Es realmente su padre? ¿Por qué ha vuelto después de tanto tiempo? Los chicos encontrarán la respuesta a sus preguntas en una remota y solitaria isla, después de un emocionante viaje con su padre por los bellos parajes de Siberia. Ópera prima del realizador ruso Andrey Zvyagintsev, nacido en 1964, autor de varios filmes para la televisión rusa. León de Oro en Venecia, donde fue calificada por la crítica como "un film sobre el amor, la pérdida de los afectos y el ingreso en la edad adulta, de irresistible fuerza emocional."
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The Island
Anatoli, un marinero capturado por los nazis en 1942, es obligado a cometer un imperdonable acto de barbarie. Treinta años más tarde corren rumores de que un hombre santo, conocido como el padre Anatoli, que vive en una isla casi desierta, es capaz de hacer milagrosas curaciones y puede ver el futuro. Así, una joven poseída por demonios llega hasta la isla en busca de ayuda. (FILMAFFINITY)
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The Last Station
Drama histórico y biográfico sobre el legendario escritor ruso León Tolstói (Christopher Plummer), su mujer Sofya (Helen Mirren) y sobre Valentin Bulgakov (James McAvoy), su discípulo más aventajado. El film ilustra además la batalla espiritual que tuvo que librar el novelista para conciliar la fama y el compromiso con una vida extraordinariamente austera.
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Elan es una remota aldea de Siberia donde viven los Solomin y los Ustuizhanin, ricos los primeros y pobres los segundos. Siberiada es un épico relato de los cambios experimentados en la Unión Soviética, desde principios del siglo XX hasta los años sesenta del mismo, tomando como base la aldea de Elan y sus habitantes. Premios 1979: Festival de Cannes: Premio Especial del Jurado
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Quiet Flows the Don
Based on the novel of the same name by Mikhail Sholokhov, about the fate of people broken by the First World War, the October Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War in Russia (1917-1922), about the collapse of the foundations and ideals of the Don Cossacks of Russia at the beginning of the XX century, about the personal tragedy of the protagonist — Grigoriy Melekhov.
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A Cruel Romance
The film is based on the play by Alexander Ostrovsky “Without a Dowry”.
The action takes place on the banks of the Volga in the fictional provincial town of Bryakhimov in 1877-1878. Harita Ignatyevna Ogudalova, a noblewoman of a good and respected family, a widow with three adult daughters, became impoverished after her husband’s death, but she does everything to arrange her daughters' life and marry them to sufficiently rich and noble grooms. In the absence of funds, she keeps an open house, hoping that a society of beautiful and musical young ladies will attract single men rich enough to marry loveless women. Kharita’s only “at a loose end” daughter is the youngest - Larisa Dmitrievna Ogudalova, who is not indifferent to several wealthy gentlemen at once, among whom Sergey Sergeyevich Paratov is a handsome, charming, smarty, frivolous and rich gentleman.
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At Home Among Strangers, a Stranger Among His Own
Following the Russian Civil War, a loyal Red, Shilov, must prove he is at home among strangers as he attempts to recapture a shipment of gold that he was supposed to deliver to Moscow. Needed as a means of buying food for the people, the gold Shilov was entrusted with is stolen, initially by a group of assassins and then by a group of bandits. In tracking the gold’s whereabouts, Shilov’s motives are questioned and he is suspected of treason, in part because his brother was a devoted White. In an effort to clear his name, Shilov locates the gold, but he also discovers rampant greed and corruption.
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Forgotten Tune for the Flute
A flutist in the forgotten past, at present the husband of a “big man’s” daughter and head of one of the Chief Directorate’s sections felt unwell one day: the forty-year-old man had a pain in his heart. This unpleasant incident provided an opportunity to meet a nurse named Lida. However, their stormy love affair ended, with Filimonov returning to normal life and an unloved wife.
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The Garage
An automotive highway is scheduled to be built through the territory of a garage cooperative. A special meeting of the cooperative takes place to reduce the number of garages. As all was already decided and arranged by the chairholder and the board, the decision passes easily at the meeting. But one unexpected event happens - the meeting room's entrance has been locked by an anonymous member and the key is missing...
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Office Romance
Anatoli Yefremovich Novoseltsev works in a statistics institution, whose director is an unattractive and bossy woman. An old friend of his, Yuri Grigorievich Samokhvalov, who gets appointed assistant director of the institution, wants to make Novoseltsev the head of the department but encounters objections from Ludmila Prokopievna Kalugina, the director. Samokhvalov then advises Novoseltsev to lightly hit on the boss. Ironically, Novoseltsev and Kalugina fall in love with each other...
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