1921 - 2018
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Actualizado: 18 jul. 2022
Iain Andrews Vikram Bhatt Vikram Bhatt Vikram Bhatt Vikram Bhatt Vikram Bhatt Kuldip K. Mehan Prakash Kutty Parag Desai Asad Khan Pranit Mawale Harish Sagane Siddharth Haldipur Dinesh Uchil Shantanu Akerkar Nidhi Yasha
Zareen Khan Karan Kundra Vikram Bhatt Angela Krislinzki Nidhi Chitrakar Aradhya Taing Manjit Singh Neil Broome Grace Hendy Neil Hurst
Suspense, Terror
País: sin datos
Año: 2018
1921 - 2018
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When Ayush arrives in England to learn music, he is shocked and scared when the manor he is living in becomes haunted by spirits. To exorcise them, he seeks the help of Rose, a woman who can see and speak with them.