The Inheritance - 2020
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The Inheritance

Actualizado: 1 dic. 2023
Ephraim Asili Ephraim Asili Ephraim Asili Vic Brooks
Chris Jarell Eric Lockley Nyabel Lual Nozipho McLean Mike Africa Jr.
Western, Bélica, Suspense, Película de TV, Ciencia ficción, Romance, Misterio, Música, Terror, Historia, Fantasía, Familia, Drama, Documental, Crimen, Comedia, Animación, Aventura, Acción
País: sin datos
Año: 2020
The Inheritance - 2020
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Based on real events, the film’s protagonist inherits a house in West Philadelphia that becomes home to an urban collective for activists of color. The increasingly claustrophobic drama unfolds as the group attempts to live together and find consensus through Black political discourse and social philosophy.