Формула любви - 1984
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Формула любви

Actualizado: 18 jul. 2022
Mark Zakharov Aleksei Tolstoy Grigori Gorin
Nodar Mgaloblishvili Aleksandr Abdulov Semyon Farada Leonid Bronevoy Tatyana Pelttser Elena Valyushkina Aleksandr Mikhaylov Aleksandra Zakharova Elena Aminova Nikolai Skorobogatov Nikolai Karnaukhov Anya Andrianova
Romance, Comedia
País: sin datos
Año: 1984
Формула любви - 1984
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A young aristocrat, Aleksei Fedyashev, is languishing in his family's country estate, spending his days reading poetry and confessing his love... to a statue. Upon hearing that famous Count Cagliostro is touring Russia and has created quite a buzz in high society with his "magic", he decides to ask the Count to bring the statue to life...