Китобой - 2020
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Actualizado: 18 jul. 2022
Marion Hänsel Alexey Uchitel Kira Saksaganskaya Elena Bystrova Jacek Kulczycki Magdalena Zimecka Boris Kukolkin Filipp Pastukhov Karolina Maciejewska Radoslawa Bardes Philipp Yuryev Philipp Yuryev Philipp Yuryev Alexandr Krylov Mikhail Khursevich Georgy Kolotygin Krzysztof A. Janczak Yakov Mironchev
Vladimir Onokhov Kristina Asmus Vladimir Lyubimtsev Mariya Chuprinskaya Arieh Worthalter Laziza Uvaydullaeva
Western, Bélica, Suspense, Película de TV, Ciencia ficción, Romance, Misterio, Música, Terror, Historia, Fantasía, Familia, Drama, Documental, Crimen, Comedia, Animación, Aventura, Acción
País: sin datos
Año: 2020
Китобой - 2020
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Everything changes in the life of a young 15-year-old Chukchi hunter Lyoshka with the advent of the Internet in the village. He falls in love – for the first time and deeply – with the silent video chat girl. Upon learning that she lives in Detroit, Lyoshka decides on the most desperate act in his life.