The Perfect Human Diet - 2012
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The Perfect Human Diet

Actualizado: 18 jul. 2022
C.J. Hunt C.J. Hunt
Susan Loraine Anderson
Western, Bélica, Suspense, Película de TV, Ciencia ficción, Romance, Misterio, Música, Terror, Historia, Fantasía, Familia, Drama, Documental, Crimen, Comedia, Animación, Aventura, Acción
País: sin datos
Año: 2012
The Perfect Human Diet - 2012
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"The Perfect Human Diet" is an unprecedented global exploration to find a solution to our epidemic of overweight obesity and diet-related disease - the #1 killer in America. The film bypasses current dietary group-think by exploring modern dietary science, previous historical findings, ancestral native diets and the emerging field of human dietary evolution; revealing for the first time, the authentic human diet. Film audiences finally have the opportunity to see what our species really needs for optimal health and are introduced to a practical template based on these breakthrough scientific facts.